Chapter 161 Iron Tower ([-])
While everyone was discussing in low voices, there was the sound of chains swinging outside the iron door of the room.

Before Su Jiang could react, Mo Yuming at the side hurriedly rubbed a hand of plaster from the dirty wall, then hurriedly pulled Su Jiang's collar, then held her face in his hands, The ashes from his hands were roughly smeared on her face.

"Go behind us and get as messy as you can."

After Mo Yuming quickly said this, he pushed Su Jiang to the child behind him, while he stared at the iron door that was about to open in front of him.

Su Jiang reacted quickly, and hurriedly rolled on the ground, rubbing her hair while rolling.

Just now she was like a pearl in the sand, very eye-catching.

After a set of operations, the little girl can't have the glamorous appearance of the little peacock just now, with a pair of big black and white eyes on her dark face, as gray as if she had just been dug out of coal.

With a sound of "click", the iron door was opened from the outside, and it was pulled by someone, and Su Jiang immediately stuck to the group of children and successfully blended in.

"Hey, room number four, hurry up and choose today's person!"

Two tall men in black cloaks and black iron masks walked in and shouted impatiently.

Su Jiang blinked, the outfits of these people looked familiar for some reason.

"I'll just go."

Mo Yuming stepped forward and said calmly.

"No, at least five people are needed this time!"


Mo Yuming frowned, and looked at these thin children with complicated eyes. The children in their fourth room were much weaker than those in other rooms, and they basically relied on him to fight for food.

If five people go out, including him, he can only protect two at most, and the remaining two must choose those who have the ability to protect themselves.

"Brother Yuming, let me go."

"Brother Yuming, I'm coming!"

"Brother Yuming, I also want to protect everyone!"

The children began to introduce themselves one after another, scrambling to raise their thin arms.

Seeing this scene, Mo Yuming's nose was sore, he closed his eyes helplessly, and then took a deep breath, as if he had made some important decision.

"Okay... I see, but you only need to go to four people, Xiao Le, Xiao You, Xiao Wu... and..."

Mo Yuming glanced around, except for these three children, the rest of them might fall if a gust of wind blows, and if they go out, they will surely die.

Just when he was vacillating, a pair of sly and bright eyes broke into his line of sight.

The little girl winked at him frantically, choose her, choose her!
Mo Yuming bit his lower lip hesitantly, no, this little girl is too young.

Just when he was still unable to make a decision, Su Jiang gave him a thumbs up, his eyes were very serious, and he was not mature like a four-year-old child.

Mo Yuming was taken aback for a moment, then closed his eyes at last, and his heart froze, it's her.

Wait, he doesn't seem to know her name...

"Xiao Hei... you can come too."

Mo Yuming called out his name casually, and kept praying in his heart that the little girl in front of him would understand what he meant.

Su Jiang: ...

All right, Xiao Hei is Xiao Hei.

Su Jiang, whose "name" was pronounced, came out with the other three children whose names were pronounced. Fortunately, the two masked men were not in charge, and when they saw that the five children were all together, they didn't bother. He opened the door and pushed the five of them out together.

After coming out, Su Jiang found that this place was no different from a prison. The corridor with iron walls and the large chandelier on the top made her squint her eyes.

The five of them lined up, with a masked man leading the team in the front and a masked man leading the team in the back. Su Jiang walked in the middle and kept looking around from the corner of her eye.

A lot of monitoring, basically no dead ends.

[Monitoring, it won't get in the way if it is dismantled. ]
Su Jiang was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head suddenly, who is talking?
The little girl frowned and patted her head with her palm. Could it be the memory of this body?
Sure enough, as she guessed, only when she got here would she recover her memory.

I don't know how long they walked, but just when Su Jiang thought that this corridor had no end, a sudden gust of wind hit, and the surrounding vision instantly widened. They came to a meadow, and in front of them was a dense and gloomy forest.

Su Jiang turned her head and saw that there were already a dozen children lined up with them, including twenty children in total.

While Su Jiang was looking around, someone poked her back suddenly, she turned her head and glanced behind her from the corner of her eye.

"Wait in and listen to my order."

Mo Yuming bent slightly, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

Su Jiang nodded obediently upon hearing this.

Okay, she's going to kill everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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