Su Jiang let Mo Yuming lead her to walk in the woods. It was obvious that the other party was very familiar with this place and had already memorized the route here.

A lot of people came here just now, presumably there must be more food here.

Su Jiang glanced at the pistol pinned to Mo Yuming's waist, and couldn't help but clenched the slingshot in her hand. It seemed that she might as well hug her thigh temporarily.

Just when Su Jiang was thinking wildly, she suddenly stopped and pulled Mo Yuming to a stop.

The little girl suddenly raised her head, facing Mo Yuming's suspicious eyes, she said solemnly.

"Something is coming."

Hearing this, Mo Yuming looked around suspiciously, and suddenly, his gaze stayed on the west by north direction.

"There is still a distance from us, and it is still too late to run."

As soon as Su Jiang said this, Mo Yuming didn't hesitate any longer, and started to run wildly with one hand grabbing the other.

Because her legs were much shorter than Mo Yuming's, she had to take two big steps to take one step. In order to keep up, her short legs almost turned into hot wheels, and afterimages came out.

People don't know where their limit is unless they force themselves. I didn't expect her weak body to be able to toss so fast.

For some reason, since she came here, her ability to perceive danger has become stronger and stronger. It used to be just intuition, but now she can actually perceive the source of danger. Could it be that her prophetic dream can be used in reality?

I don't know how long I've been running, but Su Jiang felt that the soles of her shoes were about to catch fire. Just when she wanted to stop, Mo Yuming suddenly stopped the car with a foot brake, as if she had heard what was in her heart. .

At this moment, there was a roar of wild beasts from behind. Fortunately, the sound was some distance away from them. Su Jiang was relieved. Fortunately, they ran fast. Isn't that place where they were just now?

Hearing the roar, Mo Yuming also heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at Su Jiang with an extremely complicated look, wanting to say something but finally held back, after all, there are more important things right now.

"You guys wait below, I'll get the food from above."

After Mo Yuming finished speaking, he let go of their hands, and then took out the pistol from his pocket and stuffed it into Su Jiang's arms.

Su Jiang was stunned, and before she could react, the young man climbed up the big tree in front of him with lightning speed, and he didn't know which wicked guy put the food on the tree.

Does this guy trust her so much?

Su Jiang looked down at the gun in her arms, feeling a little puzzled.

"Brother Yuming, be careful..."

The boy on the side raised his head and murmured nervously, his brows almost wrinkled into the word "Chuan".

The tense atmosphere made Su Jiang raise her head involuntarily. Mo Yuming climbed the tree very fast, with very light movements, as if there were hooks on the soles of her feet and on her hands.

When he was about to climb to the top of the tree, Mo Yuming gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand, and tore over the large bag of food that was placed on the branch above.

Just when he lowered his head to greet his younger siblings under the tree to pick up the food he dropped, an accident happened.


Just before Mo Yuming opened her mouth, Su Jiang's intuition made her react instantly.

She squatted down suddenly, and she rolled forward. After the roll, she immediately stabilized her figure and retreated a few steps away.

The muscle memory from her body made her hold the gun in an instant. She took a half step forward with her left foot, holding the gun with both hands, and the dark gun hole pointed directly at the left chest heart of the young boy in front of her.

"Playing dirty?"

Su Jiang sneered, her eyes were so indifferent to frightening.

" let him go, or I will kill your friend!"

On the side, the boy's accomplice grabbed Xiao Wu, who was too late to escape, and he pressed the sharp dagger against the latter's neck. Because of his extreme panic, his hand holding the dagger trembled slightly, threatening Su Jiang's. There is also a tremolo in the voice.

What's going on, why does such a small girl have such a fast reaction speed, and the posture of holding the gun, it seems... as if she has been practiced.

Su Jiang could see his panic at a glance. Although the operation just now was all her instinctive reaction, at least she pretended it, didn't she?
Now that it is installed, it must be installed thoroughly.

"Then see if your knife is faster or my bullet is faster. Let's talk about it first. You will be the next one to kill him."

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