Su Jiang's words really had a deterrent effect, and the young boy holding the dagger trembled even more when he saw this.

Su Jiang glanced at the two children, they looked about six or seven years old, no wonder they had the heart but not the guts.

Just when Su Jiang was about to say two more harsh words, the boy with the knife tremblingly opened his mouth.

"I'll let go of your friend, then... well, if you kill him, you won't be able to kill me."

Su Jiang: ...

No, the boat of your friendship is full of holes.

"Okay... I always keep my word, you put the knife away first."

The corner of Su Jiang's mouth raised a playful arc.

"Really... will you really let me go?"

The boy looked nervous and confirmed again.

"Shut up, if you talk too much, you'll kill both of them. Miss Ben was a sharpshooter in her previous life."

As Su Jiang spoke, she pointed the gun at the chest of the young boy whose face was already pale from fright, her tone was impatient, and she looked like she didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

"Don't...don't shoot me, I'll let you go!"

The boy with the knife was startled, trembling, he immediately took the dagger away from Xiaowu's neck, and when he moved away by about a fist distance, someone suddenly grabbed his arms from behind, and turned around. , directly twisted his arm and pressed him to the ground.


The boy screamed, and the dagger in his hand fell off to the ground.

After doing all this, Mo Yuming remained indifferent. He slowly raised his foot, and then directly stomped the boy to the ground.

"Xiao Wu, go and help Xiao Hei tie up that man."

Even though his neck was cut by the blade, Xiao Wu still nodded without changing his face, took out a bundle of very strong binding ropes from his pocket without saying a word, and tied up the boy round and round stand up.

"Mo Yuming, you're playing tricks, right? When did you get down from the tree!"

The boy who was stepped on the ground kept struggling, roaring extremely angry and unwilling.

"It's all about treating him in the same way, are you only allowed to sneak attack?"

Mo Yuming's cold eyes scanned the two people on the ground, everything happened so suddenly that even he didn't realize it, but fortunately they won, all thanks to the little girl who helped him attract attention.

But it is rare to have such a strong reaction at such a young age, and it seems to be able to use a gun?

Su Jiang noticed that the young man was looking at her, and she paused while wiping the gun. Hey, it’s a pity, she still wants to hold it for a while. Just now, she seems to have recovered some memory fragments. She seems to have really learned how to use a gun. .

But in her previous life, she was just a patriotic and law-abiding college student. Could it be... Could it be that she has a dual personality! ?
"Little Hei...Little Hei."

After being pulled by Xiao Wu's sleeves, Su Jiang came back to his senses.

"Xiao Hei, what are you thinking, Xiao Wu has called you several times but there is no response."

Mo Yuming stepped on the young man, then half squatted down to look at Su Jiang, and asked curiously.

Su Jiang twitched the corners of her mouth, of course she didn't respond, they are called Xiao Hei, what's the matter with her, Su Jiang?

"I'm wondering what to do with these people."

A very good reason, she thought of it.

"They probably wanted to force me to hand over the food by threatening you in the sneak attack, but luckily you turned the situation around."

Mo Yuming still maintained a half-squatting posture, and after speaking, he touched Su Jiang's small head with gentle eyes.

Su Jiang blinked, why does this person look like a father at such a young age?
On the side, Xiao Wu watched the harmonious scene silently, his thick bangs covered the emotions in his eyes.

He is really envious, why he is always so stupid, always needs the protection of others, and always drags everyone down.

In the past, I could use my age as an excuse to deceive myself, but now, that little girl is much younger than me...

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