After tying up those two people and placing them under the tree, the three of Su Jiang continued to move forward, and it was still Mo Yuming who walked in front, holding one hand.

Su Jiang looked at the sun hanging in the sky, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled.

Why hasn't the position of the sun changed for so long? Could it be a fake sun?
"Brother Yuming, why haven't we seen any food after we've been walking for so long?"

Xiao Wu asked with some concern. Obviously, the food in his arms was obviously not enough for their thirteen partners.

Oh, and now there's one more, fourteen.

"This time there is less food, it's normal not to find it, don't worry, by the way, do you want to rest for a while?"

Mo Yuming stopped and looked at Su Jiang and Xiao Wu questioningly.

"I'm not tired, Brother Yuming."

"I'm fine."

Seeing that the two of them could persist, Mo Yuming nodded, but just as they were about to start to leave, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of them and blocked their way.

"Hey, Mo Yuming, give us the food, and we'll let you and your two little followers go."

The young man in the lead said arrogantly and provocatively, that curly hair of the same style as the charter woman successfully attracted Su Jiang's attention, it was definitely not because they both had curly hair, but because this person looked familiar.

Who is it... is it someone she met in the iron tower before?

[My name is Liu Qiang, and I will be your eldest brother from now on. Do you want me to know what is delicious? ]
Liu Qiang... She remembered that Liu Qiang, the little overlord in Room [-], robbed anyone who ate food. She was robbed more than once, but for some reason, this person started to tremble when he saw her, and never again. Stolen her stuff.

It's really a narrow road to the enemy, and now it's over her head again.

I didn't expect to see him for a year, but he was still alive.

The little girl squeezed her chin, maybe she should go around, she might meet a lot of acquaintances, the possibility of recovering her memory should be greater.

"Hahaha, why is Room [-] full of malnourished people? It's the first time I've seen such a short one."

Liu Qiang pointed at Su Jiang and began to laugh mercilessly.

Su Jiang clenched her fists, there were three on the opposite side, and three on their side. If they force it, they may not lose.

"Brother Yuming... what should we do, why don't we give the food to Liu Qiang?"

Xiao Wu on the side opened his mouth tremblingly, but Mo Yuming's attitude was very firm.


"Look at him, a guy who is used to bullying and fearing toughness."

Su Jiang clenched the slingshot in her hand, her eyes were inexplicably excited, and she always felt that her spirit had improved after coming here, and she was full of endless energy.

No, it should be the moment she broke free from control when she saw Nuodi.

Could it be the so-called power?

"Sorry for bringing you into this. I'll stop them later. Can you please take Xiao Wu and leave?"

Mo Yuming smiled helplessly at Su Jiang.

"It's none of your business, I'm here to follow, and don't talk about frustration, we may not lose."

Su Jiang touched the back of her left hand, and a red circle totem instantly appeared on her fair skin.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a snake connected head to tail.

[This is a contract, Su Jiang, as long as you want, you can summon your contracted beast at any time, just read its name, no matter how far away it is, it will come to you to protect you at the first time. ]
It was Ning You's voice, but she obviously didn't tell her that. When did this memory come from? What is a contracted beast?
Su Jiang gently supported the totem, then whispered softly.

"Little Red..."

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