"Big Red is different from us. She is not an innate power holder. She is just an ordinary human in this world. She awakened her personality with her own will, and then Nuodi forced the power into her body."

"It is much more difficult for her to awaken her power than ours. She has reincarnated in 99 lives, and there is no happy ending every time."

"Nuo Di made an agreement with her. After she finished her reincarnation and awakened her power, she promised to let her return to her original world and allow her to rewrite her father's ending."

"Right now, Dahong only remembers the memories of her last life. Nuo Di brought her into the iron tower to let her remember all the memories of that 99th life. I'm afraid that Dahong will not be able to bear it by then..."

The more Ning You spoke, the lower her voice was. Su Jiang's contract technique had been activated, which meant that the memory of a previous life had been awakened. Fortunately, the ending of that life was not bad, and the death was not considered painful.

After listening to Ning You's long speech, Ning Pei and Ji Yu fell silent, and the surroundings fell into a dead silence.

"I believe in her, she is far stronger than we imagined."

Ji Yu nodded slightly, his dark eyes were clear and bright.

"Let's cooperate. Although we can't get along, at least the purpose is the same."

Ning Pei, who had been silent all the time, nodded, and Ning You naturally agreed. Since she can cooperate with Ning Pei regardless of past suspicions, it doesn't matter if there is another Ji Yu.

"Ning You, can you teleport spells?"

Ning You nodded, and then added with a sad face.

"But teleportation requires precise positioning. The induction between powers is only a general direction. We can't determine the exact location of Dahong at all."

"I know, I have her position."

Ji Yu took out a small mobile phone, and the screen turned out to be a topographic map of the island, with a flashing red dot on it, obviously that was Su Jiang's location.

Seeing this, Ning You immediately grabbed the phone, and then stared at Ji Yu with extremely sad eyes, as if blaming him for not taking out such a good thing sooner.

"This is... actually on the other side of the island. The two of you stand closer to me. It's the first time I've taken someone to teleport. If something goes wrong, you should carry it yourself."

Ning You threw the phone back to Ji Yu, then closed her eyes and began to recall the location on the map in her mind.

Please, you must succeed, Dahong is still waiting for her!
"Hahaha, it really is you, Su Jiang, I will never forget your bright and disturbing eyes!"

Su Jiang jumped back slightly, dodging Liu Qiang's punch in front of her with a blank face. The opponent's eyes were full of scarlet, as if he had been stimulated by something, he attacked her like crazy.

The little girl slowly raised her right hand, and the totem on the back of her hand slowly appeared, and a little red snake with a snake letter came out from her sleeve.

"It's been a long time since I fought like this, Xiaohong...oh no, Chiyang."

Mo Yuming, who was on the side, had already carried Xiao Wu back to a safe place. He was panting and sitting under the tree, and now he realized what happened just now.

10 minutes ago, he was still talking to Su Jiang about the past, but when they talked about the key point, Liu Qiang, who was supposed to faint from the snake, rushed towards them like a mad cow with a knife .

The strange thing is that Liu Qiang's speed is so fast that he can't even draw his gun to aim.

"Xiao Wu, you stay here obediently, I'll go find Su Jiang."

Mo Yuming touched Xiao Wu's head, and just as he was about to stand up and leave, someone grabbed his wrist.

"Brother Yuming, why don't we go find food, Su Jiang is a witch, and the big snake will listen to her, she will be fine!"

Xiao Wu raised his head and shouted eagerly.

"I will not leave any of my companions behind."

Mo Yuming frowned and broke Xiao Wu's hand from holding him, but he couldn't help but froze when he saw the young boy's face covered with tears.

"Enough is enough, you have done enough, Brother Yuming, why are you always so kind, you are so kind to everyone, she is not our partner, and I am a burden from beginning to end, You should be selfish, I want you to live!"

"I think Xiao Wu is right."

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