Chapter 172 Iron Tower ([-])

"Su...Su Jiang!"

Su Jiang wiped the blood stains on her face with the back of her hand, and looked at Xiao Wu who was slumped on the ground in front of her with smiling eyes, as if she didn't know how scary she was at the moment.

"What's the matter, aren't you going to find food, why are you looking at me?"

Su Jiang asked suspiciously.

Xiao Wu's face was pale, and he opened his mouth tentatively.

"Did you hear it all?"

Su Jiang nodded nonchalantly, and began to wipe the little red snake on her arm.


Xiao Wu faltered for a long time, but couldn't say a word.

"I think what you said is right. Don't have too much kindness in this place, and think more about yourself. My child, you live a very thorough life."

Su Jiang bent the corners of her eyes, her face was full of earnestness, and her tone was hard to figure out.

"Su Jiang, as long as you are fine, Liu is he?"

Seeing that Su Jiang was fine, Mo Yuming was finally relieved.

"He suffered some skin trauma and passed out."

As soon as Su Jiang said this, Xiao Wu at the side lost his composure for an instant, stood up abruptly and shouted out of control.

"Why not kill him, he is such a hateful person!"

Su Jiang turned her head, with a look of doubt and incomprehension.

"Why should I kill him, I don't want to get my hands and my snake dirty."

"But he killed many children..."

Xiao Wu lowered his head and murmured softly.

Su Jiang frowned, she was at a loss for words for a moment, and after thinking for a long time, she opened her mouth impatiently.

"But I'm not an envoy of justice. I've let him be punished by me. If you think he deserves to die, you can kill him now while he's fainting instead of clamoring for me to Going, doesn't it sound like a moral kidnapping?"

"I...I didn't."

Xiao Wu lowered his head, not daring to look at Su Jiang and Mo Yuming. The feeling of being exposed to the dark side of his heart was too embarrassing. It was obvious that the other party was just a child younger than him, so why was he better than him? Very useless.

He knew that he had always been a very useless person, if it wasn't for Brother Yuming, he would have died long ago.

Because he is the youngest, he enjoys Brother Yuming's protection as a matter of course.

More than anyone else, he hopes that Brother Yuming can live well, because as long as he lives, he will definitely protect himself.

Brother Yuming can't die, no one will protect him except Brother Yuming.

That's why he was so nervous when Mo Yuming was going to find Su Jiang, for fear that something might happen to Mo Yuming.

If Brother Yuming only protected him alone.

Looking at the young boy who was about to lower his head into his chest, Su Jiang squeezed her chin thoughtfully, did she speak too harshly, calling other children autistic.

"Brother Yuming, and Xiao Wu, it's time for me to say goodbye to you, thank you for helping me, and there are many people on the west side, try to avoid that side, I'll go first."

Without giving the two people in front of him time to react, Su Jiang ran away in the blink of an eye as if the soles of her feet had been wiped by the wind.

"Brother Yuming, is Su Jiang angry?"

Xiao Wu tugged at Mo Yuming's sleeve and asked with an uncertain expression.

"It's nothing. If she was angry, she wouldn't say goodbye to you. I guess she must have found her way forward."

"Where did she go?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Mo Yuming turned around quickly in fright, but the expression on his face became even more ugly after seeing the other party's face clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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