"Ji Yu..."

Mo Yuming pulled Xiao Wu behind him, and looked warily at the boy who jumped out of nowhere in front of him.

Ji Yu was dressed in a white shirt and jeans. This boyish attire with that kind smile was really deceptive.

But Mo Yuming won't be fooled, the person in front of him is a dangerous person, he knows too well the sinister heart behind that smile.

He pulled Xiao Wu behind him, and looked at the boy in front of him warily.

What's going on, didn't Ji Yu leave here?

"Where did Su Jiang go?"

Ji Yu tilted his head and asked with a smile, but his nails had already sunk into the palm of his hand.

As expected, Ning You's teleportation was still not stable. The three of them dispersed, but it's good to disperse, and it will be faster to find them separately.

The mobile phone that checked the location was also gone, but fortunately he was familiar with this place, he could feel that Su Jiang was near him, and the power in his chest was always restless.

He was lucky, he heard Su Jiang's name when he passed by here.

"Who is Su Jiang?"

Mo Yuming chose to pretend to be stunned. He absolutely must not tell this person about Su Jiang, and he must not tell anything.

The smile on Ji Yu's face disappeared little by little, and his pupils turned cold instantly.

"It seems that you know me, so you should also know my methods. I'm not in a good mood today, and I don't have that much patience to waste with you."

Hearing Ji Yu's villainous speech, Xiao Wu couldn't help shivering, the man's eyes were so scary, his intuition told him that the man in front of him was very dangerous, and... brother Yu Ming was shaking while holding his hand.

"I know you, but I don't know Su Jiang."

Looking at Mo Yuming's stubborn donkey, Ji Yu frowned impatiently, his tongue touched the roof of his mouth, and a look of hostility flashed in his eyes.

"I don't want to hear any more nonsense."

Ji Yu's eyes froze, and he stepped forward and clasped his hand on Mo Yuming's forehead. The latter just wanted to push him away, but suddenly found that all his strength seemed to be exhausted. Do not move.

What did Ji Yu do to him?
Looking at Mo Yuming, who was pinned by Ji Yu and couldn't move, Xiao Wu suddenly became flustered, and quickly tugged on his sleeve several times, but no matter how hard he pulled, Mo Yuming remained motionless, as if he was frozen same.

"Brother Yuming, what should I do..."

Xiao Wu was a little at a loss, his bewildered eyes accidentally aimed at the pistol on Mo Yuming's waist, he gritted his teeth, and pulled the pistol out of his heart, and pointed the muzzle at Ji Yu , hands trembling uncontrollably.

"You scoundrel, let go of Brother Yuming, or I'll shoot you!"

After spying on the memory, Ji Yu let go of Mo Yuming, and he lowered his head slightly to look down at the thin child in front of him.

Looking at the dark gun hole, Ji Yu squinted his eyes slightly, and just when everyone thought he was going to make a move, he walked away with a face full of disapproval.

"Brother Yuming... Brother Yuming, are you okay?"

Seeing that Ji Yu really left, Xiao Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Mo Yuming worriedly.

"I...I'm fine..."

Mo Yuming shook his head, forced a smile, and felt a little puzzled, strange, now his hands and feet regained strength.

"Not good, the direction he is going is in the direction of Su Jiang..."

Mo Yuming's expression changed, he gritted his teeth, and planned to follow, but he didn't expect someone to grab his wrist.

"Brother Yuming, don't go...he is looking for Su Jiang."

Xiao Wu raised his head with red eyes, pleading.

"I know...Xiao Wu, it's because of this that I have to go."

Mo Yuming took a deep breath, his voice trembling.

"Back then he almost killed Su Jiang, but I didn't stop him because I was timid, so I can't back down this time."

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