A bolt of lightning pierced through half the sky, and the sky seemed to be cracked.

In a narrow cave, a little girl covered in mud tightly hugged a little boy in her arms, still muttering something.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid."

The breath of the boy in his arms became weaker and weaker, and the temperature on his body became lower and lower.

Seeing this, the little girl hurriedly hugged him harder, wishing to pass the last bit of heat from her body to him.

Feeling the warmth of the person in her arms lose a little bit, the girl's eyes turned red helplessly.

This can't help but remind her of the past, her mother used to get cold in her arms like this, so she no longer has a mother.

When the boy in her arms lost all temperature and heartbeat, the little girl couldn't hold back her cry.

"Wow, wake up, don't die!"

"Don't die, are you talking about me?"

"Yes, who will be my friend when you die?"

Wait, who's talking to her?
The girl reacted abruptly after she finished speaking, her eyes widened in an instant, and she met the black eyes of the boy in her arms, like a bottomless abyss.

"Oh, you're not dead, but your heartbeat is gone."

The girl put her ear to the boy's left chest as she spoke.

"Hey, why are you dancing again?"

"let me go."

said the boy expressionlessly.

"Oh well."

The little girl was also obedient, so she immediately let go.

Without the restraints, the boy was about to stand up, but suddenly found that any slight movement of himself would cause wounds and internal injuries all over his body.

The boy silently put his hand on his forehead, his eyes neither sad nor happy.

This time Ning You was able to hurt him so badly, it really improved a lot.

Seeing the boy lying motionless on the ground, the little girl leaned over curiously, and then opened her mouth expectantly.

"Hi, my name is Su Jiang, what's your name?"


There was only a moment of silence to answer Su Jiang.

But the little girl was not discouraged, she still stared at Ning Pei in front of her with bright eyes.

"Yesterday was my sixth birthday, I made a wish, and then I found you."

Ning Pei: ...

Ning Pei covered his eyes with his hands. Ning You was always by his side, and Ning You was a master who could only move his hands and feet. This was the first time someone was chattering in his ear.

"Guess what wish I made."

Seeing that Ning Pei really didn't want to talk to her, Su Jiang didn't give up either.

With no friends or relatives, she often talks alone to the well in the village, and she has long liked to talk to herself alone.

Of course, it would be great if the person in front of her could respond to her.

"My wish is to have a friend."


Ning Pei slowly moved his hand away, half drooping his slender and thick eyelashes, lost in thought.

Once, Ning You used this word to provoke him, but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful, because he didn't understand what a friend was, and he didn't feel that it was a pity that he didn't have friends.

Because he has no emotion, his heart is empty.

Besides, how can such short-lived and fragile creatures as human beings stand with God?
But whenever he felt Ning You's mood swings through telepathy, his chest would feel so tight.

Does he hate it, or desire it?
"So are you willing to be my friend? I can give you my room, I can give you my bed, and I can share half of the meals that Grandma Wang gives me every day!"

The little girl patted her chest and said solemnly.

"I can be your friend."

Ning Pei thought for a moment, then suddenly said.

The little girl immediately opened her eyes when she heard it, as if she had heard some earth-shattering news.

(⊙o⊙) Wow, she is finally... finally not alone!
Su Jiang, who was overjoyed, didn't notice Ning Pei's eyes like a pool of stagnant water at all, and he was not affected by Su Jiang's emotions at all.

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