Chapter 183: Going Back in Time ([-])

After the rain, the little girl in the cave poked her head out quietly. Seeing that the rain had stopped, she immediately shared the good news with her good friends.

"The rain has stopped, we can go home!"

Seeing Su Jiang who was so happy, Ning Pei didn't understand, what is there to be happy about when the rain stopped?
"Let's go back together."

Su Jiang stretched out her hand towards Ning Pei who was on the ground, but the other party didn't respond at all, the little girl was a little puzzled.

"I'm hurt and I can't move."

Ning Pei said lightly.

"Sorry, I forgot, but it's okay, I'll hug you."

Just when Ning Pei was about to refuse, the girl who was a head shorter than him in front of him immediately hugged him to the princess.

It's easy and stress-free.

Ning Pei pursed her mouth slightly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Forget it, as long as you don't let him move anything.

Ning Pei slowly closed her eyes, and lay quietly in Su Jiang's arms, looking like a sick beauty.

The little girl is pure in heart, and after finally having a friend, she wished she could offer it up like a baby.

Besides, she is famous in the village for her strength, she can hold two little piglets at the same time, and her friend just happens to be about the same weight as the two little piglets.

By the way, there seems to be half a bowl of chili fried pork from Grandma Wang at home, and I will give it all to her friends when I get home.

Su Jiang immediately became happy after thinking about it, and suddenly her arms and legs didn't feel sore anymore.

For a long time, Ning Pei was still concentrating with his eyes closed, but suddenly he felt a drop of cool liquid fall on his cheek.

Is it going to rain again?

Ning Pei opened his eyes and saw Su Jiang, who was dripping with sweat, his hair was wet with sweat and stuck to his skin tightly, and there were still bead-sized beads of sweat on his chin.

With a click, beads of sweat fell on his other cheek.

Why didn't you put him down when you were so tired?

Ning Pei closed her eyes again, humans are really stupid.

Su Jiang gritted her teeth, feeling that she was carrying a heavy weight to move forward. If she knew she would have practiced holding the little piglet more, now it's all right, she's going to make a fool of herself in front of her friends.

Murphy's law tells us that the more frightened things are, the more likely they are to happen. Su Jiang staggered, but unexpectedly stepped into a small hole on the road, and instantly lost her center of gravity and fell forward.

Su Jiang:! !

It's over, this time I'm going to be thrown miserably.

The little girl closed her eyes instinctively, but she didn't expect that the expected pain didn't hit, and her body fell on a soft pad.

Meat pads?

No, it's her friend!

Su Jiang got up from Ning Pei with a panicked look on her face. Seeing the boy's eyes tightly closed, she quickly put her ear to his left chest and listened to his heartbeat.

The heartbeat is gone again!
"Yes... sorry, I killed you."

The little girl cried on Ning Pei's chest with a sad face. Her friend, the friend she had so hard to find, was lost by her.

"It's even more uncomfortable when you press me down."

A familiar voice came from beside her ear, and Su Jiang raised her head abruptly, looking at Ning Pei who had opened her eyes in disbelief, with wet tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"It's a good thing you're fine, I thought I crushed you to death."

Su Jiang looked at Ning Pei with regret.

The latter frowned slightly, not out of anger, but out of pain.

"I won't die, but it will hurt."

The young man looked at Su Jiang calmly, his tone indifferent.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, or should I help you go?"

Su Jiang clasped her hands together and cast a questioning look at Ning Pei.

Looking at the deliberately flattering look of the little girl in front of him, Ning Pei's eyes moved slightly, and a chaotic consciousness continued to disrupt his thoughts. shouldn't be like this, you can't treat her like this, this is the last chance...

(End of this chapter)

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