
Su Jiang stared blankly at the man with a frosty face in front of her, a trace of confusion and confusion flashing in her eyes.

Why could her father come in? Did Nuo Di do it on purpose?
"Baby, daddy is here, don't be afraid."

Long Yi walked up to Su Jiang in three steps and two steps at a time. He squatted down and looked at the dusty little girl in front of him with distressed eyes, as if he had been dug out of a garbage heap.

The little head that should have had beautiful braids and jeweled hairpins turned into a very messy afro.

Long Yi's eyes darkened, and there was an undercurrent surging in his eyes, like a tiger that was enduring its own rage.

"You brat, why are you so stupid? How could that woman be your mother? Your mother is already dead!"

Shen Yun on the side picked up Shen Xiyu from the ground like a chicken. Although he was cursing, his body was honestly checking whether his son was injured.

The young boy raised his head blankly and looked at the angry man in front of him with dull eyes. After a long time, other emotions finally appeared in his eyes, and his eyes slowly filled with tears of grievance.

"I know... I know, I didn't pull out the dagger. I know she is fake. Mother, she doesn't love me at all, and you don't love me either. You... don't want me... no one wants me."

The grievance he had endured for a long time suddenly broke out, and Shen Xiyu finally said what he had been holding in his heart, tears silently sliding down his cheeks.

Drop after drop, it seemed that what fell was not tears, but knives, stabbing into Shen Yun's heart one by one.

Yes, this is his child, and his blood is flowing in his body. No matter how much he numbs himself, he can't help but feel sorry for her and care about her.

Whether it was a year ago or now, he would be confused because of this child.

"Shen Xiyu, listen carefully, your father and I have something very important to tell you now."

Some things must be made clear, otherwise there will be no chance after this.

"I didn't force your mother to leave. I don't love her. We were just a political marriage. But a year ago, she kidnapped you when you were only three years old. I don't know what method was used to send you to the iron tower. I spent a lot of time It took me a long time to rescue you, so I didn’t abandon you.”

Shen Xiyu's eyes widened and he looked at the man in front of him as if he was struck by lightning. It was obvious that what he just said had a big impact on him.

Why is it like this? The mother he has always missed is the murderer who wants to kill him, and the father he has always hated actually protected him.

No wonder...no wonder every time my mother is mentioned, the eldest brother and the second brother always have expressions of extreme hatred. Only he has been kept in the dark and is still looking forward to that woman coming back to see him.

The nearly half-year life in the Tower haunted him every night like a nightmare, and this nightmare was actually given to him by the person he had always loved most.

"I don't believe it... I don't believe it. Mom wouldn't do this."

Looking at Shen Xiyu who was about to collapse, Shen Yun frowned slightly. There was really nothing he could do about this brat.

But time will not stop because of the Shen family and his son. There is a strong smell of gunpowder on the other side, and the two sides are at war with each other.

"Two mice slipped in..."

Nuo Di slowly raised his hand, and then as his hand fell, a huge golden ginkgo tree broke through the ground behind him and rose up from the ground.

"Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving. Become my energy to devour this world..."

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