Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 190 Don't Be Afraid, Dad Is Here

The world began with chaos and will also end with chaos.

Looking at the huge and growing ginkgo tree in front of her, Su Jiang frowned and bit her lower lip. The shadow of the big tree in the sky was reflected in her dark eyes.

The dazzling golden color is like a burning flame.

"Haha... Since you are so disobedient, then you can become my nourishment."

Nuo Di sneered, then turned and walked towards the ginkgo tree behind him. His body actually blended directly into the trunk. As he blended in, the ginkgo tree grew faster.

Blocking out the sky and the sun, it looks like it is going to break the zenith.

Accompanied by its rapid growth, the ground was constantly shaking, buildings collapsed, children cried, and people shouted helplessly.

The tree roots continued to rise, almost breaking the base. Soon, half of the tower was razed to the ground.

Move...Su Jiang...

We must protect them...

Why can't I move?

Su Jiang was tightly protected in Long Yi's arms. At this moment, the noise around her seemed to gradually weaken, and only the strong heartbeat of the man could be heard.

She could feel her power disappearing and flowing into the ginkgo tree in front of her. The vitality of her body was also flowing away rapidly, and it seemed that even opening her eyes was the limit.

The little girl slowly raised her head, and her clear eyes reflected the man's anxious look. Even though she was already in a state of embarrassment from being hit by flying gravel, she still cast worried eyes on her from time to time.

With a roar, a high wall nearby fell down. Long Yi had no time to escape. At the critical moment, he hugged the little girl in his arms tightly, trying to use his body as a human shield.

"Don't be afraid, dad will protect you."

As the high wall collapsed, the surroundings suddenly darkened, and the last thing she heard was the man's whisper above her head.

Su Jiang's eyes widened and his pupils trembled slightly, but soon his vision fell into darkness.

"Su Jiang!"

Ji Yu threw himself into the pile of rubble with red eyes, digging into the reinforced concrete where Su Jiang and the others were buried, as if he didn't know the pain.

The power is slowly passing away. This place is like a huge sacrificial place, and they are the sacrifices being sacrificed.

"Ahem...Why can the shadow of the sacred tree in this world grow so big?"

On the other side, Ningyou struggled to avoid the branches that were stabbing her, and her body was extremely weak.

"It's not a shadow, it's real. What's in the void is the shadow."

Ning Pei clenched her fist hanging by her side, frowned and told the truth. This was his guess, but he didn't expect it to be true. No wonder this world can give birth to a fourth powerful person.

"What, what does it want to do, create a new void place?"

Ning You said angrily, her eyes so red that she wanted to take a chainsaw and cut off the broken tree in front of her.

"No...it just wants to destroy the world."

Ning Pei looked at the giant tree in front of her thoughtfully. Everything outside the rules should be destroyed. So what if the rules were broken?
"It's really annoying. This broken tree is actually absorbing my power, but those humans don't seem to be affected. I wonder if Dahong is okay."

Without the mutual induction between powers, Ningyou had to use the contract technique to locate her position.

She closed her eyes, and the totem on the back of her hand gradually lit up, and she began to sense Su Jiang's location.

Soon, she realized something was wrong.

"No...why can't I sense it?"

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