Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 199 It’s a pity that she is not good at studying

"So the tree is the tree, you are you, and the tree trapped you?"

Su Jiang looked at the giant snake in front of her with cold eyes. The giant snake's body was covered with cold silver scales. It closed its eyes tightly. The snake's head swallowed the snake's tail, forming a closed loop.

"It looks familiar, right? Both you and Ningyou's contract skills originated from the sacred tree."

A cold voice sounded from behind her, and Su Jiang slowly turned around.

Nuo Di came over with wounds all over his body, his feet were covered in blood, and his face as white as paper was covered with bright red blood that kept flowing down. He covered his chest, which was still bleeding, with one hand, and hung his hand on his body. Dragging Chi Yang sideways, it looked like he had been fished out of a pool of blood.

"Is it your idea to let him trap me? It's a pity that you made the wrong bet. Although he and I are from the same lineage, he will never be able to defeat me in his life."

After saying this, Nuo Di threw the bloody man in his hand in front of Su Jiang. Although he was covered in injuries, his expression was full of pride.

Su Jiang knelt down and gently hugged the dying boy lying on the ground. Gentle power slowly poured into Chiyang's body from her hands.

The wounds on Nuo Di's body were also slowly healing. Looking at the two people relying on each other in front of him, an extremely complicated light flashed in his eyes.

This scene seems familiar...

Su Jiang pressed Chiyang's forehead with one hand, and then spoke in an extremely calm tone.

"Maybe it's because of the contractor. You are the contracted beast of the sacred tree. My power is no match for the sacred tree, so Chiyang will lose to you, but..."

Su Jiang raised her brows slightly, and then a sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"How long can your contractor last? In this cycle again and again, she has already lost consciousness."

The head of the snake devours the tail, and the cycle will not stop.

Who would have thought that Nuo Di, who always claimed to be a god, was not a real god, but just a contracted beast of the god.

When Nuo Di heard this, he couldn't help but put on a dull smile.

"You are indeed very smart, but that's all."

Nuo Di slowly closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth curved a little deeper, and there was unconcealable excitement in his eyes. He could hardly suppress the excitement in his heart.

The day has finally arrived...

Under Nuo Di's contemptuous gaze, Su Jiang slowly raised her hand, with the back of her hand facing outward. The totem of a snake's head swallowing its tail was emitting a faint red light.

"Don't be so quick to laugh, your plan seems to have failed..."

A wanton smile appeared at the corner of Su Jiang's mouth, a smile that was wild and cold.Nuo Di seemed to realize something, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Under his shocked gaze, the totem on the back of Su Jiang's hand began to slowly disappear.

As it dissipated, Nuo Di teleported to Su Jiang almost instantly, grabbed her hand, and stared in disbelief at the back of the hand that had no totem at all.

Clean, not hidden, but completely gone.

"you wanna die!"

Nuo Di's eyes widened, his expression became ferocious, and he almost roared with gritted teeth.

"So angry. It seems that I guessed it right again. I'm afraid this thing is not an ordinary contract mark. Without this thing, I will lose the qualification to become the next core of the sacred tree, and your contractor will also be continued. Trapped in a tree.”

Looking at Nuo Di who was gradually collapsing, Su Jiang gently shook off his hand that was holding her.

Looking at the back of her clean hands, she was slightly dazed.

It was the totem brought to her by the contract technique, and it was also on the back of Ningyou's hand. It seemed that Nuo Di wanted to choose one between her and Ningyou. It was obvious that he had mastered four powers and signed a contract with Zhulong. With the contract, she became the perfect candidate to replace him as the contractor and become the new core of the sacred tree.

This contract is not between Chiyang and her, but between her and the sacred tree.

But unfortunately, he was disappointed.

She was not good at studying and had not fully mastered the art of contract. What was left in her body was only a temporary totem.

"Why...why, it's obviously the last step away. It's impossible. You must have used some kind of deception, right?"

Because he was too angry, the skin on Nuo Di's face began to crack like porcelain, and his eyeballs slowly turned red.

"In that case, then I will destroy these worlds that trap her."

The skin on the young man's face began to fall off like wall plaster, revealing silver and black-smelling scales.

Su Jiang looked at the frantic Nuo Di in front of her with a solemn expression, but did not take any action because she no longer needed to take action.

At this moment, a faint fragrance came, instantly soothing Nuo Di, who was about to go crazy.

An ethereal sound sounded from the sky, like a breeze.

"Xiao Nuo, don't let me disappoint you."

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