Chapter 200 Nuo Qiyu

An illusory figure appeared behind Nuo Di, a beautiful woman with a beautiful face.

The woman is dressed in white, her face is as cold as winter ice and snow, her eyes are as bright as the stars and the sea, but there is a hint of sadness.

The cracked space around him stopped cracking, and the faint fragrance became more intense at this moment.

"Xiao Nuo, long time no see."

The woman gently rubbed Nuo Di's head with her hands wrapped around the cane. The latter's head was lowered and his shoulders were shaking.

Seeing Nuo Di's appearance, the woman sighed helplessly, and then looked at Su Jiang with pity.

"Hello, kid, I am...I'm sorry, it's been so long, I've forgotten my name."

After the woman finished speaking, she showed a gentle smile to Su Jiang, but Nuo Di suddenly raised his head in front of him, his eyes were red and he made a sound.

"Nuo Qiyu, your name is Nuo Qiyu."

The young man's voice was hoarse and forbearing.

"Ah, that's amazing. Xiao Nuo still remembers my name. It's no use to me. I've been reincarnated so many times that I've forgotten my own name."

The woman's tone was like coaxing a child. Nuo Di snorted and said nothing, as if he was angry.

Su Jiang on the side scratched her chin with her hand, a slight smile on her face.

The relationship between these two people is really deep.

One person forgets his own name in the endless reincarnation, but keeps the other person's name firmly in his heart.

In order to free the other party, the other one set up a trap that lasted tens of thousands of years and endured tens of thousands of years of loneliness.

Nuo Qiyu slowly floated to Su Jiang's eyes, her eyes as gentle as water.

Su Jiang: ...

It was really embarrassing to be suddenly stared at so "affectionately" by a beautiful woman.

"Kid, I want to say sorry to you on behalf of our little Nuo. It was me who failed to teach him well and allowed him to embark on this extreme path. You are a brave child and have done a great job."

The woman stroked Su Jiang's little head with the hand she had just finished rubbing Nuo Di's head with.Su Jiang still had doubts in her heart. Aren't the two of them on the same side? Why are they so nice to her?
Su Jiang pursed her lips and spoke with complicated eyes.

"Aren't you angry? You can obviously be relieved."

"Why should I be angry? You made the right choice. If you are angry, you are also angry with my Xiaonuo. This child... has really done something wrong..."

Nuo Qiyu sighed helplessly. Nuo Di behind him raised his head at some point, his eyes a little blank.

Is he really wrong?

So where did he go wrong?
"As a guardian, you forcefully interfere in the human world and break the rules again and again. Don't you know it's wrong, Nordi?"

The woman's voice suddenly turned cold, and countless branches emerged from the ground, catching Nuo Di, who still had an unwilling face on his face, and pinned him to the ground by surprise, and violently pressed his proud head to the ground.

With a "bang" sound, the silver-haired boy's head smashed a small crater into the ground, but these branches showed no mercy at all. They lifted his head and made three more bangs.

Su Jiang: ...

Can she take back what she said before about the deep relationship between the two?

Is this the same as beating, kissing, scolding, or loving?
Su Jiang was silent. She knew very well who Nuo Di was kowtowing to, but she just didn't know what the woman in front of her was trying to do, and her inexplicable kindness towards her.

Is it possible that God really loves the world?
"If you make a mistake, you will be punished. I wonder if you are satisfied with this kid. If not, I will ask Xiao Nuo to give you a few more smacks."

The woman's voice was still gentle, as if she was teaching a disobedient child.

Nuo Di, who was pinned to the ground without dignity by Nuo Qiyu's branches, was like a dead fish. After struggling twice, he was suppressed by even stronger power.

Su Jiang's eyes instantly turned into crescent moons, and she followed Nuo Qiyu's words with a smile.

"Satisfied, how can I be dissatisfied? It would be great if, sister, you could save the world I live in. After all, my father and I live a good life. If your child suddenly rushes over, it will be a world of destruction." If my sister is so kind, she won’t just sit idly by, right?”

She didn't have time to talk to these two people here, her father was still outside.

Nuo Qiyu was stunned for a second when he heard the words. He still had a kind smile on his face, but the words he said made people feel chilled in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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