"Good morning, sir, may the glory of heaven be with you!"

The young man in a white robe with gold patterns sat casually on a white jade chair covered with soft plush. He supported his head with one hand. The exposed half of his arm was covered with vine tattoos, and his black hair was scattered to the side. ear.

Under the broken hair, those golden eyes glanced at the people kneeling towards him under the high hall, and then lowered their eyes again. The slender and thick eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes, making it difficult for people to guess who he was. The emotion in his eyes.

Everyone lying on the ground dared not make a sound, and no one dared to raise their head. As we all know, this young king's mood is notoriously unstable, and no one can understand his temper.

He may be talking to you with a smile one second, but his head and body will be separated the next second.

The young man closed his eyes boredly, with a hint of impatience on his stern face.

It's so boring, I might as well kill them all...

Thinking of this, the young man opened his eyes and slowly raised his hand. A complex light golden magic circle instantly appeared. He tapped it lightly with his index finger, and an enlarged version of the magic circle exactly like the one just now shrouded it. On the prostrate person below.

Countless cracks began to appear in the surrounding space, as if some monster was trying to get out of the cracks.

An envoy in a white robe felt something was wrong first, and had to grit his teeth and raise his head tremblingly. But before he could see clearly what happened, his head was separated from his body.

A skull monster exuding black energy bit his head off in one bite, so fast that he didn't even have time to scream.

The body without its head fell down weakly, leaving only the sound of chewing in the monster's mouth.



The sacred and solemn hall turned into a purgatory at this time. Countless monsters crawled out from the gaps and started killing crazily. The envoys who were originally prostrate on the ground were frightened and fled frantically.

But soon they discovered something disappointing, that is, their power could not be used.

Everyone who survived subconsciously looked at the king above them. Yes, they also have adults. They are his most loyal believers, and he will definitely save them!

But it was a pity that their king was looking at them with interest, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

Looking at the bloody scene below, the young man's eyes gradually brightened.

Sure enough...it's much more interesting this way.

He has always wondered what would happen if he threw a cat among the mice. Unfortunately, there are no mice or cats in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Now he knows...

The cat will eat all the mice.

Although interesting, this was not the outcome he wanted to see.

The young man closed his eyes again. After a long time, he opened them again, narrowed his golden eyes slightly, and gradually raised the corners of his mouth in a meaningful arc.

"Finally some fun..."

"Hey, it hurts me so much. Why did it fall from the sky?"

Su Jiang rubbed her sore buttocks and limped up from the ground.

Wait...this height...

The girl looked at the ground at her feet in surprise, and then raised her hands in front of her eyes.

Not small steamed bun hands, but slender, white and delicate hands.

She is finally no longer a brat!
But Su Jiang didn't have time to appreciate her appearance when she grew up. Her time was limited, and Nuo Qiyu couldn't stay frozen in time for long. She had to quickly find the true form of her world's sacred tree in this place.

Su Jiang looked around and saw that the surrounding scene was very weird. European-style and Chinese-style buildings were crisscrossing each other. There were many dead trees among the towering green trees. There were even unmelted white snow hanging in some places.It all looks like a chaos in space and time.

Su Jiang put on the hat of her white robe and began to recall what Nuo Qiyu had said to her before.

In the land of heaven, where the seasons change, time and space are confused, and the habitat of the sacred tree itself in each world, Nuo Qiyu helped her secretly open the passage here, so she is now a black man with no identity here.

Thinking of this, Su Jiang couldn't help but frown. This was really difficult.

"Come on, you!"

A young woman's voice came from behind. Su Jiang paused in his steps, his eyes darkened, and he unconsciously lowered the brim of his hat.

There was no one behind her, and there were no footsteps. Could it be a ghost?
"Turn around."

The voice rang again.

Su Jiang gritted her teeth and turned around pretending to be calm. The brim of her hat blocked most of her sight, so that she could not see clearly the face of the person in front of her. She could only see a white robe similar to hers.

Just when Su Jiang thought she was about to be exposed and was planning to kill the other party, the woman standing opposite spoke.

"She looks pretty good. It just so happens that the king's side is short of a maid. It's you."

Su Jiang:? ? ?
No, most of her face is covered tightly. How can you tell that she looks good?

Before Su Jiang could react, two pairs of strong hands grabbed her arms, just like holding a prisoner.

"Take her away."

The two hands behind her were filled with bone-chilling coldness. Su Jiang felt like she was being held by two big blocks of ice. In order not to be exposed, she had to pretend to be a weak woman with no strength and let them take her. Take away.

Through a small gap under the brim of the hat, Su Jiang saw that the ground under her feet was constantly changing, with green grass and withered grass and stones finally turning into jade with traces of blue lines.

Finally, the two pairs of hands holding her behind her stopped exerting force, and the biting coldness dissipated, just like two large ice cubes melting, without making any sound from the beginning to the end.

Just when Su Jiang was about to raise the brim of his hat to check the surrounding situation, there was another scolding from behind.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and get what the king wants?"

Before Su Jiang could lift up the brim of her hat, a white jade plate was stuffed into her hand. Through the gap under the brim, Su Jiang saw a heart slightly larger than her fist, with wet blood still on it. , lying in the center of the plate and beating constantly.

The fishy smell that hit her face made Su Jiang frown and asked, "Help, what the hell is this place."

"I said you didn't want your life, but you dared to wear a hat when you went to see the king!"

With a scolding, the hat on Su Jiang's head was also pulled off.

Facing this sudden change, Su Jiang just pretended to be submissive.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, because I'm really ugly and I'm afraid of scaring the king, so I wear a hat!"

Su Jiang lowered her head in "fear", and her slender body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The second before she lowered her head, she glanced out of the corner of her eye. Standing in front of her was a beautiful woman in a white robe, surrounded by maids carrying plates like herself.

"Okay, raise your head."

The woman's slender fingers gently lifted Su Jiang's chin. Because she was too "scared", Su Jiang's eyes were filled with crystal water, and her eyes were slightly red. She had a beautiful and delicate face filled with the words "I feel pity for you". A big character.

The woman holding her chin was stunned for a moment, looking at the face that looked like a work of art, her eyes visibly lit up, as if she had seen a piece of good pork belly.

"Good boy, do you have a dream?"

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