Chapter 203: Betrayal
The woman looked at Su Jiang with a mysterious face, and the latter blinked with confusion on his face.

What is this woman up to?

The confusion on Su Jiang's face was not fake. Why did she suddenly ask her if she had any dreams? Could it be that she was testing herself?

"Yes...yes, my dream is to become more beautiful..."

Su Jiang said with hope in her eyes with tears streaming down her face.

"No need for a child, you are already very beautiful. I think your dream can be a little bolder."

The woman said this almost against Su Jiang's ear, her voice was suppressed very low. After speaking, she let go of Su Jiang, took a deep look at her, then turned away and walked away, as if nothing had happened. Nothing ever happened.

"Why don't you hurry up and catch up? If it delays the king's meal, you will have a good time!"

The woman walked in front of the team carrying the plates again. Although Su Jiang was a little puzzled, she still mingled with the team calmly.

She always felt that everything about this place was weird. Ever since she came here, the feeling of being spied on became stronger and stronger, as if there were always a pair of eyes in the dark watching her every move.

The heart on the plate was still beating, and some strange thoughts began to bubble up in my heart.

What kind of person does he have to eat so many disgusting things in one meal?

Su Jiang followed the long team to a magnificent palace. The air was filled with the faint smell of blood. Someone had just died here, and Su Jiang subconsciously became alert.

"Greetings to your lord, may the glory of heaven be with you!"

The maids carrying the plates knelt down in unison. Su Jiang reacted quickly and knelt down immediately.

Just when Su Jiang thought there would be a voice asking them to get up, there was no movement at all. The entire lobby was dead silent, and everyone could not help but breathe shallowly.

Just when Su Jiang was a little puzzled and wanted to take a sneak peek with her peripheral vision, there was a sudden sound of wind beside her, and a maid kneeling beside her suddenly fell to the ground.

Then there were several dense sounds of breaking wind, bang... bang, bang, the sound of a body falling to the ground.

Looking at her white robe that was splattered with a few drops of blood, Su Jiang's eyes widened, and a head with equally wide eyes rolled in front of her.

The incision on his neck was intact, and blood was still flowing. His eyes were so wide that they seemed to bulge out, and he refused to rest in silence.

"Okay, get up. They are so useless. They can't even maintain the activity of food. They might as well die."

The young man's cheerful voice sounded. Su Jiang was stunned when he heard the words, and his eyes fell on the still beating heart on his plate.

Thanks to Brother Heart for saving her life and never calling it a disgusting thing again.

Sensing that someone stood up next to her, Su Jiang quickly followed suit, letting her see what kind of murderous tyrant was sitting on top.

Su Jiang stood up slowly. When she raised her head and saw the young man sitting in the high hall, she was slightly surprised.

Such a beautiful young man is actually a tyrant who kills without batting an eyelid. He is really beyond appearances.

But will this little tyrant know the whereabouts of the sacred tree itself?

Just as Su Jiang was thinking about countermeasures, a strong sense of crisis swept through her body instantly, and a strong murderous intention approached her.

She raised her head suddenly, and a pair of gold-colored vertical pupils like wild beasts were staring at her with a smile, which made people feel chilled all over.

Su Jiang forced down the discomfort in her heart, and the young man's eyes did not linger on her. Such penetrating eyes were equally given to every maid carrying the plate.

What opened Su Jiang's eyes was the maids. When the boy stared at them like this, they actually showed just the right amount of shyness and blush.

Su Jiang: ...Is she too sensitive?
"Put the plate on the table and you can go."

The leading woman calmly ordered the maid behind her who was still alive. Just when Su Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and thought she could finally leave this hellish place, the young man sitting on top spoke out, with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Don't leave yet, let's play a game."

Hearing this, Su Jiang silently clenched the plate in her hand, and the atmosphere in the lobby became solemn. Because of the young man's words, there were several gasps of air around her. It was obvious that these maids were I was really scared.

The air was thick with the smell of blood, almost nauseating.

The boy's voice echoed in the slightly empty lobby, which seemed particularly strange.

"Is this good? You guys are holding it. If the food on the plate loses its vitality, just use your own heart to replace it."

Listening to this brisk tone, Su Jiang felt a chill in her heart.

Madhu, I met Madong.

Su Jiang lowered her eyes slightly, lowered her head and looked thoughtfully at the heart that was still beating on her plate. For some reason, she always felt that this heart was beating harder and harder, with no tendency to slow down.

What kind of evil thing is this? It's the first time I've seen a heart that can beat for so long without its body.

There was a "pop", the sound of flesh and blood being poked open. Su Jiang glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the movement coming from beside her.

The boy didn't know when he stood up and came to their side, holding a beating heart bleeding with blood in his hand.


The maid who was stabbed in the chest fell down stiffly. The other maid next to her finally couldn't hold herself any longer when she saw the miserable situation. The heart on her plate had stopped beating. She would be the next one to have her heart ripped out. She had to escape. Gotta run away quickly!
Su Jiang sighed silently in her heart, it's too late...

The maid threw away the plate and ran out, but the soles of her feet seemed to have slipped, and she stayed in place no matter how she ran.


There was another scream, and the maid's body began to twist in an extremely weird posture. Her body fell backwards and folded in half at an incredible angle. Her legs were bent in reverse, and the bones were exposed through the flesh. It's quite a big one.

The maid's mouth seemed to be sewn shut and she could no longer make any sound. She could only endure the inhuman torture in silence. Soon she was folded into a round "ball".

But the human body has bones, how can it be round, so I had to break all the bones in the body.

Even though she knew that the maid would inevitably die, she never expected that she would die in such a tragic way.

Su Jiang glanced at the maid who was hurt to death from the corner of her eye, her knuckles holding the plate turned slightly white.

Realizing that footsteps were approaching her, she unconsciously slowed down her breathing and gathered strength in her palms.

Because her head was lowered, the girl's black eyes contained murderous intent.

"Congratulations, the final winner, you saved your heart!"

Feeling a gentle tap on her shoulder, Su Jiang raised her head calmly, and what came into view was the young man's beautiful, white and extremely excited face.

I don't know when the corpse of a maid in white was lying around, and the scarlet and blood-stained heart and liver were everywhere.

But...only the one on her plate was still beating.

Only her heart was still beating.

(End of this chapter)

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