Under Su Jiang's complicated gaze, the boy began to bite one after another, as if he was chewing an apple. After eating, he did not forget to grin at Su Jiang, showing his eight teeth that were stained red.


Su Jiang resisted punching him in the face, so she could only scold the boy bloody in her heart.

"This is the most active food I have eaten recently. You did a good job. Do you need any reward?"

The young man stared at Su Jiang with bright eyes, like an innocent child.

"Anything is fine, because I am very happy now."

The young man added with a smile, his golden eyes showing uncontrollable excitement and madness.

"Is anything really possible?"

Su Jiang raised her head and looked directly at him. Even though she had seen how cruel this young man was, the impact it had on her was minimal. He was just a madman, and it was not like she had never seen him before.

Seeing that Su Jiang could still talk to him so calmly, the young man's smile deepened.

"Of course, I have a strong tolerance for delicate and weak humans, but you seem to be different from the humans I know."

It was no surprise that Su Jiang's identity was revealed. The strength of the young man in front of her was unfathomable. Maybe... maybe everything was under his control from the moment she first came to this place.

You are not afraid of your opponent being strong, but you are afraid that your opponent is crazy and strong.

"Don't be so scared. Come on, smile and learn from me."

The young man directly raised the corners of Su Jiang's mouth and felt a cold touch coming from the corners of his mouth. Su Jiang's whole body seemed to be tied up with invisible threads, unable to move.

Seeing the stiff smile that was pulled out of the girl's beautiful face, the boy sighed softly, and the ends of his deer eyes drooped slightly.

"Ah...why don't your eyes smile?"

What a psycho!

Su Jiang cursed in her heart, she would be crazy if she could still laugh in this situation.

Even though his heart is already turbulent, on the outside he looks calm. He can panic, but he must not be noticed by the enemy.

"I know how you are different from other humans. Your soul, your soul is not connected by wires!"

The young man held Su Jiang's face in his hands, a strange and sick smile appeared on his face, and his golden eyes began to tremble slightly because he was too excited.Su Jiang tried her best to ignore the chill caused by the young man's palm touching her cheek.

But...can't ignore it at all!
It was so disgusting that he touched her face!
“Is the reward really any good?”

Su Jiang pretended to speak calmly and did not follow the boy's words. Her eyes were extremely sober.

There are benefits to being forced to reincarnate so many times by Nuo Di. For example, now, she has seen a lot of perverts, and this pervert is just a little stronger.

"Yeah, anything is fine."

The young man grinned and responded, looking like a good young man.

"I want to destroy the sacred tree connected to my world."

After Su Jiang finished speaking, she looked at the young man with wary eyes. She admitted that she actually had a little bit of gambling in it.

If there was a normal person standing in front of her, she would never say this, but... the person standing in front of her now is a madman, and she cannot act according to common sense when facing a madman.

"Okay! This is simple, I will satisfy you now!"

Under Su Jiang's suspicious gaze, the young man lifted up his right sleeve, revealing his arm covered with vine totems.

"Isn't it cool?"

The young man said to Su Jiang with a proud face, the invisible tail behind him almost wagging to the sky, like a little kid showing off his children's phone watch.

Su Jiang was still unable to move and remained silent for a long time before finally squeezing out a word from between her teeth.


After getting a satisfactory answer, the young man started to move. He put his other hand on the arm covered with vine totems, and then slowly moved it to one of the small leaves.

Soon, the boy was stunned, as if he had discovered something new.

"Hey, it's strange. This tree is so strange. It has been transformed into this."

(End of this chapter)

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