Time travel to become Long Aotian's daughter

Chapter 230 Three Stupid Ghosts

Chapter 230 Three Stupid Ghosts
"Miss, why did you get up so early today?"

The previous butler has retired, and the current butler is his son, who is about the same age as Long Yi. His family happens to have a daughter who is about the same age as Su Jiang, so every time he sees Su Jiang, it's like seeing his own daughter, and he immediately turns into a kind father.

Su Jiang yawned, her eyes half sleepy, and she looked like she would fall down at any time. It was obvious that she had not yet adapted to the air at six o'clock in the morning.

"Good morning, Uncle Butler. I'm going for a run. Let's stew a turtle for lunch today."

"Okay lady."

The butler agreed with a smile. He still remembered his father telling him that the young lady loved the turtle pond very much. She loved it to such an extent that every turtle had its own name.

Fifteen minutes had passed when Su Jiang stepped out of the gate. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Whose family was so nice that built such a big yard? Oh, it turned out to be her family.

Put on your headphones and start a good day with exercise.

This area is a villa area, and those who can live there are either powerful or rich, like her three friends. Because the security here is no less than that of a museum, she has been allowed to play nearby alone since she was eight years old.

But the more Su Jiang ran, the more she felt something was wrong. The feeling of being monitored became stronger and stronger, as if there was a pair of eyes staring at her from behind.

Is someone following her?
The little red snake hidden in the sleeve also noticed something was wrong. It stuck half of its head out of the sleeve with its tongue sticking out, and its red eyes were full of vigilance.

Su Jiang calmly turned off the music in his headphones, then turned his head slightly and glanced behind him.

Just one glance and she was stunned.

Really, I saw a ghost in broad daylight...

"Hey, you must be Long Yi's daughter, we are going to kidnap you!"

The girl was wearing a piece of black cloth that was torn from somewhere, covering the lower half of her face completely. The two people next to her were wearing the same style. Looking at the gaps in the cloth on their faces, it was obvious that they were made from the same piece of cloth.

You three idiots, you think you can’t recognize her if you cover the lower half of her face? This is not a TV series!

Su Jiang took off his headphones, slowly turned around, and looked at the three people with a puzzled look, his expression was cold, and a sneer slowly appeared on his pretty face. Ha.

She folded her hands, raised her chin slightly, and spoke in a cold and arrogant tone.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

In the morning sunshine, the girl's hair fluttered as if covered with a layer of golden light, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead. Because she had not been out for a long time, her skin was almost white enough to reflect light when exposed to the sun.

Seeing this familiar face, Ning You couldn't help but take a breath, his eyes full of shock.

“You you you you you…why is it you!”

"Why can't it be me?"

Su Jiang's mouth corners slightly raised. She pressed the little red snake on her wrist that was extremely restless and wanted to crawl out, and she no longer had her previous vigilance.

If the person who came was an ordinary person, she might be nervous for a moment, after all, she couldn't use that kind of power on ordinary people, but these three guys were different.

"You guys are going to kidnap me without investigating first?"

Su Jiang's plain voice suddenly changed a little, like a light cool breeze, but it made people feel uneasy.

"You are not human, why are you hanging out with those weak humans?"

Ning Pei tore off the veil that was trying to cover up her mistake and looked at Su Jiang with confusion in her eyes.

"Leave me alone?"

After Su Jiang finished speaking, he casually rolled out a fireball the size of a football, and then threw it at Ning Pei who had just spoken without hesitation.

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