Chapter 231: Mutual Learning

No one expected that the seemingly harmless girl in front of them would start using skills without any prior animation. Fortunately, Ning Pei reacted quickly, with blood welling up in her eyes.


The sound of a clock ticking was heard, and just as Su Jiang was wondering, his fireball had disappeared for some reason, and the boy was standing there intact.

Oh wow... this is getting interesting.

Su Jiang raised his eyebrows, a curve appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes.

It has been fifteen years. Ever since she met her father, she has had nearly fifteen days of leisure. Every day she is either studying, treating illnesses, or secretly mastering the inexplicable power in her body. It is a boring life, just like drinking boiled water. She has had enough of it.

"Time stop?"

Before Su Jiang could finish his words, he rolled out a bigger and faster fireball, again without any warning, which blew Ning Pei from head to toe. If Ning You and Ji Yu hadn't dodged quickly, I'm afraid they would not have been able to escape.

Su Jiang curved his eyes, smiled brightly, and his voice was obviously light-hearted.

"Being able to pause time is really cool, but sorry, my fireball starts at zero frame."

Ning Pei was blown to pieces and her white robe turned grey, but other than that there was no wound on her body. Although Su Jiang's fireball looked terrifying on the surface, its lethality was a little lacking.

"Ning You, how long are you going to watch the fun? Tie her up quickly and don't waste time here." Ning Pei brushed the dust off her clothes, her face turned completely gloomy.

"You are really useless, Ning Pei."

Ning You walked slowly towards them holding a long bone whip, her silver hair spread out like a blooming snow lotus.

This silver hair... is Lord Ning You! As a snake with severe face blindness, except for Su Jiang, other people's faces are almost mosaics in its eyes. It has two ways to recognize people, one is hair color, and the other is the fluctuation of strength.

It’s Lord Ning You. The little red snake opened its mouth and was about to say hello, but unexpectedly its eyes widened in fear the next second.

A sound of breaking wind was heard, and the bone whip with a cold glow came straight towards them, so fast that only its afterimage could be seen.

Looking at the bone whip approaching him rapidly, Su Jiang's eyes lit up and he clenched his hands into fists behind his back.

Just as she was about to raise her hand, a tall figure blocked her way at lightning speed.

With a bang, the bone whip fell directly on the young man's arm. The power of this whip was so great that even Su Jiang who was standing behind him was affected.

Her ironed bangs were blown messy.

What's going on? Aren't they in the same group? Why did they suddenly come over to help her take the damage?
"Ji Yu, what are you doing?"

Ning You retracted the bone whip with a cold face, his tone was gloomy, his eyes were sharp and puzzled.

The veil on Ji Yu's face had just been blown off, and the young man's enchanting face was a little confused. Why, why did he subconsciously run over to protect him just now? His body reacted before his brain even responded.

In fact, Ning You had no intention of really attacking Su Jiang, she just wanted to scare her, so she deliberately controlled her strength and planned to stop when the distance was only two or three centimeters.

But who could have thought that Ji Yu suddenly rushed over. Although Ning You was a little surprised at the time, she reacted immediately, released her control over the bones, and simply whipped him over.

She had wanted to do this for a long time. She couldn't stand Ning Pei, and she also couldn't stand Ji Yu.

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