It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 113 I will always be by your side

Chapter 113 I Will Always Be By Your Side

Along the way, Li Tang didn't take the initiative to say a word to him, and Jiang Qiming, who was concentrating on driving, didn't seem to have any plans to find a topic to break the silence. In short, the somewhat awkward atmosphere lasted until they arrived at their destination more than ten minutes later.

After getting out of the car, Li Tang followed him quietly, without saying a word.

He knew that she was a little nervous and scared, so he slowed down a little, took her cold hand, and pulled her to the final destination.

Li Tang did not refuse this intimate contact.

This small move once again made Jiang Qiming feel that what Yang Chu told him that day at the small restaurant near the hospital was true.

Deep down in her heart, she really hoped that there was someone she could rely on by her side.

Maybe that way, she wouldn't have to be so tired.

She is so good at disguising and adapting to changing circumstances. At the beginning, she probably didn't actively want to become like this.

In an instant, Jiang Qiming suddenly felt that he didn't know her well enough.

I don't know what the environment she lived in since she was a child, how Li Rendao trained her, what she experienced from elementary school to junior high school, high school and university, and how she went step by step after entering the society. He didn't know anything about his convincing position, her friends, or her circle.

Walking to the door of the quiet ward, Jiang Qiming communicated with the doctor a few words, then opened the door of the ward and led Li Tang in.

The light in the room was not very bright, but it still allowed Li Tang to see clearly that the lifeless man lying on the hospital bed was the old man he kept yelling at, the one who didn't receive a call from her at a critical moment. people on the phone.

"The patient's condition was not optimistic when he was sent here. He directly injured his lungs. He is not out of danger yet. The bullet has been successfully removed. The hospital is doing its best to treat it. The follow-up depends on the specific physical condition of the patient... ..." A doctor in a white coat and glasses said beside them.

He also noticed something wrong with the woman's emotions, and probably guessed the relationship between the woman and the patient on the bed, but out of the doctor's responsibility, he still wanted to tell her these things calmly and rationally.

Families of patients have the right to know.

It's just... Judging by the appearance of this young lady, she should still be in the hospital, right?

What happened to this family? The daughter is also sick, and the father is also sick...

Sure enough, it's not easy to be a big man. People like Li Rendao will be seriously injured and sent to the hospital without warning. If you ask him, it's not as good as small people like them, although they are ordinary but live in peace...

Of course, they can't enjoy the bonuses and special rights brought by the prosperity and wealth, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no distinction between high and low.

In the hospital, his responsibility as a doctor is to try his best to treat every patient who comes to him. As for the others, he will not ask too much.

"Doctor, please, please..."

"Hey, miss, you can't do it, you can't do it. As doctors, we will do our best to save the lives in our hands. This is our fault." Looking at the woman who was a little dazed just now, she was trembling and wanted to kneel down He begged him in front of him, and the doctor quickly stepped forward to support her and stopped this behavior.

"Xiaotang, calm down." Jiang Qiming hugged her from the side, allowing her to lean against him in a more comfortable position, gently stroking her head, trying to comfort the woman as much as possible. Controlled emotions.

At that time, she had been injected with drugs that caused great damage to her nerves, and there were still a lot of drug residues, and now she was only waking up for the first day, how could she have such a big emotional ups and downs?
Of course he could understand that Li Tang would definitely get emotional after seeing his always strong and powerful father in such a weak state on the hospital bed, but for her own illness, he had to comfort her first.

The deep fear and powerlessness made the woman cry in his arms.

Tears soon soaked his clothes, and he could feel the coolness in his chest.

Facing the woman's crying, Jiang Qiming could only gently repeat the movement of stroking her head, then rubbed his chin against her head, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"It will be fine, Xiaotang, trust me."

He has never been a person who talks too much, but this promise carries a lot of weight.

"But...if even the old man...then I'm the only one left in this world..."

"I will always be by your side." Jiang Qiming said softly against her head, "I swear, be good."

(End of this chapter)

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