It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 114 Only Think About You

Chapter 114 Only Think About You

According to what Jiang Qiming said at the beginning, when he met her, he would go back to the hospital to recuperate, and the two of them returned to the familiar ward.

Li Tang's emotions seemed to have calmed down as soon as she came out of Li Rendao's ward, but the worry about her father still shrouded her heart.

"You will do your best to investigate this matter, right?" The woman lying on the hospital bed also knew that the only person she could rely on at this time was the man sitting by the bed, and she poked her head out of the quilt and asked .

"I will." The man met her eyes and said firmly.

The woman didn't say anything, but turned her head away.

People like Jiang Qiming cannot be trusted completely, and after all, the old man and him are not relatives or relatives, and it is just a cooperative relationship. Who attacked the old man, he pretends to check it out She has done her best, how could she really try her best like she said.

The appearance of Tong Ye must have distracted him.

She has to investigate this matter in person, and she will feel at ease only when the matter is calculated in her own hands to form a result.

But her current mental state is obviously not suitable for such meticulous work as investigation, and the man who has been by her side probably won't allow her to touch the computer now...

"How is Tong Ye doing now?" Li Tang suddenly turned his head to look at the silent man and asked.

"The time I saved you, I destroyed one of his strongholds and a helicopter, but I didn't catch him." Like a teacher asking a student, Jiang Qiming answered her honestly, "Now his whereabouts are unknown, and he should be returned." alive."

When he broke in that day, he noticed that the room was full of eternal life flowers. He remembered that Li Rendao had mentioned to him that Li Tang liked red roses very, very much.

That should be what Tong Ye did to make her happy.

But those flowers were all turned to ashes in the fire, and Tong Ye set the fire himself.

"Okay..." After learning that Tong Ye's whereabouts were unknown, Li Tang was slightly disappointed.

Unknown whereabouts means that no one knows where he is now, but he is very likely to reach their current location, that is to say, he is in the dark and they are in the light.

This is very passive.

The location of Tong Ye must be found out as soon as possible, and... the person who ordered the doctor to kill her.

She will never let them go.

Since they want her dead, if she can't die, they don't want to live.

"Jiang Qiming, no, maybe I want to call you dear?"

Since she can't do these things temporarily while she is recovering from her illness, don't think about them yet.

The man who heard the woman's sudden intimate address was probably a little surprised, and didn't pick up her words immediately.

"Are you willing?" The man leaned over and asked softly.

"Ah? What are you talking about? What am I willing to do?" Li Tang looked puzzled at the man approaching, so he had to ask back.

"Be my girlfriend and get engaged to me." The man said bluntly, looking at the woman with searching eyes, "Don't consider other factors, only consider yourself."

"Well... since you said that, without considering other things, of course I don't want to." Li Tang didn't want to lie to him, and simply told the truth, "I just want to be with the person I love, Marriage is of course a matter of marrying someone who wants to have a future together."

She doesn't love Jiang Qiming.

It's just that compared to Tong Ye, he is still much better, so she can still talk to him well, and even agree to be with him in order to make a deal with him.

But that's about it.

Their relationship is too fragile, and now they are only standing on the same front because they have the same goal. After Tong Ye's matter is resolved, it is estimated that their relationship will be like that at that time in Jingyiju, It was just as crumbling in his conference room, and finally falling apart.

A relationship that is doomed not to be together, a love that is doomed to have no results, she will not pour any thoughts and feelings into it.

People like Jiang Qiming are not worthy of her entrusting the future, and it is impossible for her to trust and rely on him 100%.

They are just dispensable partnerships.

Change to the kind that others can do.

I almost forgot, he was still her savior...

Yes, because of this, he saved her life, so she could give up her original intention of love, stay with him, and get engaged to him.

But if she really wanted to be willing, she couldn't deceive her feelings, and she wasn't so indifferent to deceive the man in front of her who was asking her true inner thoughts.

So she chose to tell him the truth, even if he is likely to be angry because of this.

He should be angry... How is this different from what she said to him in his Jing Yiju at that time.

At that time, he would coldly tell her to get out, but now he would not want to drive himself out of the ward he arranged, would he?
"Okay." The man just responded to her, and didn't say anything more.

The ward fell into awkward silence again.

Not sure what the man was thinking now, Li Tang didn't want to ask, so he just covered his head with the quilt and didn't look at him.

He will definitely be unhappy, this is human nature, but obviously he asked first, she just told the truth according to his request, if he is unhappy now, she has no obligation or reason to coax him, right?
"If you don't want to, I'll help you too." Probably guessing, Jiang Qiming looked at the woman curled up in the quilt and said helplessly.

To her, his current existence is just a tool to help her get rid of Tong Ye faster.

She is using him again, just like the last time the public opinion turmoil asked her to help her out.

If it wasn't for him being useful, she probably wouldn't treat him much better.

Although he saved her, it was clearly on his own will. Even in that situation, she might really die in a few days. There was also a computer in the room. Even so, she never thought of When he came to save her, he didn't even think that his presence was even a little bit necessary.

So what can he be.

Still acting like a naive fool, asking her if the bargaining chips she proposed were sincere.

How silly.

"I'm going to bed, go back and rest." The woman said with her back to him, her voice muffled.


Her expulsion order is so obvious, there is no need for him to stay in this ward all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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