It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 115 Sunshine Outside the Window

Chapter 115 Sunshine Outside the Window
It was probably because of her internal friction. In short, after Jiang Qiming left, Li Tang slept deeply, and when he opened his eyes, it happened to be the morning of a new day.

She was a little hungry again, probably because she had slept for a long time.

Relying on yesterday's impression, Li Tang touched a mobile phone beside his bed, and then dialed the only number stored in the address book.

Don't even think about it, she knows who the owner of this number is.

The phone was quickly connected, and a man's voice came out.

"wake up?"

At the same time, there were some indistinct voices in the quiet ward, probably Jiang Qiming was listening to a report meeting in the company.

"Jiang Qiming, I'm hungry..."

Perhaps it was because he had just woken up, Li Tang's voice was a little soft, and it was more obvious in the man's ear when it was passed through the phone.

"What do you want to eat? I'll bring it to you." Over there, a man who was listening to a report meeting raised his hand to signal the person who was giving a report to stop temporarily, then put the phone away and added, "The meeting is suspended , open at night."

"I want to eat steamed buns and soy milk." Li Tang, who was still a little dazed, sat beside the hospital bed and said slowly, looking at the excellent weather outside the window, "I want to go for a walk."

It's only past seven o'clock, and the sun is just right. For patients, they should go to the sun more often, and Jiang Qiming probably won't refuse her.

Although she seemed to disturb his work, but...

It's also what he wants.

She has held on for so long, today... let herself be a little willful.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." The man on the other end of the phone hung up the phone after finishing speaking. At the end, Li Tang heard the sound of the engine starting.

Should it be said that he is worthy of action... Now he was in the car, and he hung up the phone so decisively.

Li Tang put the phone back next to the pillow, put on his shoes, washed up briefly, and looked in the mirror habitually, only to see the emaciated appearance of the person in the mirror.

This is not how she saw herself in the mirror before.

Probably because of those drugs and that unbearable experience that made him look like this.

Li Tang called the nurse, and wanted to borrow a comb to dress herself up a little bit, but the nurse seemed to know her relationship with Jiang Qiming, so she didn't let her do it herself after bringing the comb, and stood behind her Help her comb her hair.

"Miss Li, you woke up so early, you probably haven't had breakfast yet?" The young lady nurse asked with concern while stroking her hair, "The hospital actually prepared breakfast for the patients, if necessary, I'll give it to you later You bring it here?"

"Thank you, no need, someone will deliver it later." Li Tang looked at the scenery outside the window, thinking that it is already autumn, and the morning sun is much rarer. "Today's weather is really nice."

"Yes, this kind of weather is the most suitable for going out for a walk. When you feel better, your illness will heal faster. Mood is also a very important part for patients."

Ever since Li Tang was admitted to the hospital, she followed the attending physician to complete Li Tang's general examination and foreign body removal surgery. She still knows Li Tang's condition very well.

She knows that mental trauma is generally difficult to heal, but at least this can be minimized through the patient's later work, rest, living habits, and mood. Therefore, in this weather, she still hopes that Li Tang can be in the hospital building. walk down.

"Thank you." The liveliness of the nurse made Li Tang feel a little better.

"Miss Li, you don't have any injuries on your body, but you are prone to depression. If you are bored and want to talk to someone during the hospitalization, you can call me. I am very good at chatting."

"Okay, what's your name?"

"My name is Miyuan, the name of Tangyuan, a delicious name, right?"

"Sounds really delicious, just like you."

Li Tang had a good impression of the lively and kind little girl behind him, and spoke a lot softer.

The sunlight outside the window was just right, making Li Tang, who was sitting by the window, feel warm both in his body and in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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