Chapter 116
Soon, the door of the ward was pushed open again, and Jiang Qiming in a black coat appeared in front of Li Tang and the nurse with two bags.

The nurse obviously remembered Jiang Qiming's face, so he politely called Mr. Jiang when he came in.

After combing Li Tang's hair, the nurse left her ward after saying a few more words to Li Tang, leaving room for the man who came in behind.

Like having dinner last night, Jiang Qiming helped her set up the small table, then opened the two bags, and neatly placed the contents on the small table.

"Eat while it's hot."

Even what he said to her now was the same as what he had said to her last night when he brought the steamed sea bass.

He was indeed a little hungry, so Li Tang quickly picked up his chopsticks, took a bite of a steaming steamed steamed bun, and the smell of meat soon spread out from the small mouth.

It seems that Jiang Qiming chose this breakfast shop to make food that tastes good, at least until the time of sitting.

"What is this?" Li Tang poked at the small plastic box next to it. It looked like a small piece of cake, but when she called Jiang Qiming just now, she didn't say she wanted to eat cake...

"Dessert, eat it yourself when you're hungry." Jiang Qiming put the box of cakes on the cabinet next to her hospital bed, and then sat back, "Tell me what you want to eat later, the food in the hospital is more perfunctory."

"Are you on call?" Li Tang looked up at the man and asked after taking a sip of the still warm soy milk.

Soy milk also has a very mellow taste and is very finely ground.

The breakfast shop seems to be very meticulous in its products, so it's no wonder Jiang Qiming chose this shop.

"On call." As if to affirm what the woman said, the man nodded towards her.

Li Tang turned his gaze back, and continued to eat the breakfast brought by Jiang Qiming silently.

She didn't believe what she said was on call...

He is a busy man, maybe the report meeting this morning was not that important, so he could say that the meeting was suspended without hesitation, and then bought himself breakfast...

What's more, aside from his public work, there is also the matter of Tong Ye in private, and the matter of investigating who attacked the old man. There are so many things, how can he be on call for her.

Forget it...

She was just asking casually, didn't she know that this question itself was a negative proposition.

"She was combing your hair just now?" This time, Jiang Qiming took the initiative to provoke the topic.

The warm sunlight came in through the window and fell on her smooth hair, giving off a faint golden light, making her look a lot gentler.

"Yes, I asked her to come." Li Tang answered Jiang Qiming's words after swallowing a mouthful of steamed buns, "She's quite energetic."

Jiang Qiming looked at the woman sitting obediently on the hospital bed having breakfast, but after listening to her words, he felt something different in his heart.

I don't know if Yang Chu's words that day really awakened the dreamer. He suddenly felt that since that day, he seems to be able to understand some of Li Tang's thoughts.

For example, now, she really wants someone to be by her side, even for small things like combing her hair and talking, at least don't let her stay alone in this deserted ward.

He really needs to spend more time with her.

"I'm done eating. Are you busy in the morning?" Li Tang put down his chopsticks, then cleaned up the table a little bit, and raised his head to ask the man sitting next to him.

"Not busy, I'll walk downstairs with you." Jiang Qiming put away the box on the small table, put the small table down as it was, and then opened a bag that he just brought in, and put a thick bag inside. A thick coat was draped over her body, "Put it on first, it's cold outside."

Li Tang pinched a corner of his clothes, and his movements were a little slow.

In fact, today's weather is not cold at all, it's just... She may indeed feel chilly easily with the thin hospital gown on her body.

He even considered this... Ah, he must have realized this when he went to see the old man last night.

While thinking silently, Li Tang quietly put on the clothes Jiang Qiming brought, then lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and the man next to her took advantage of the situation to hug her.

(End of this chapter)

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