Chapter 117

Li Tang did not resist the man's embrace, but stood up with the help of the man's strength.

While in the lobby on the first floor of the hospital, Li Tang suddenly saw the wall of nurses in the hospital, and the girl named Mi Yuan who had just come to help her comb her hair had a separate profile.

If you don't look at it, you don't know, but Li Tang got more attention after seeing it.

How could Mi Yuan's medical advisor be the same person who taught Jiang Qiming?
Should it be said that the teacher is full of peaches and plums, so she was forced to have something to do with the hospital and medicine during this period, so she could meet his students frequently?
Jiang Qiming probably didn't know that he knew that he had studied medicine before, so it's better not to tell him yet.

"What are you looking at?" Sensing that Li Tang's gaze was elsewhere, Jiang Qiming asked casually, then looked towards where Li Tang was looking.

"Look, isn't this the nurse who combed my hair just now?" Li Tang was taken aback for a moment, and then he followed Jiang Qiming's words naturally.

"She is the nurse with the best reputation in this hospital." Jiang Qiming scanned the photos hanging on the wall, glanced at Mi Yuan's personal information, and noticed the name that was strange even if it was strange. .

It turned out that the person who combed Li Tang's hair today was actually his junior sister from the same sect.

His teacher has a very high prestige in the medical field, but now he is old and no longer holds a scalpel, but he has been doing teaching, and there are not a few people who come to him to learn and ask for his experience. It's just that they haven't been in touch for a long time because of their different ideas about medicine.

That teacher has a very high threshold for accepting students. If he didn't have certain insights and ideas about medicine, no matter how strong that person's professional ability and skills are, he would not choose to accept that person as his student. , his teacher is still a bit eccentric in this regard.

However, the powerful old man is a bit weird, but it is quite normal.

It's just that they have different ideas, and no one can convince the other. Probably the teacher thinks he is too crooked, and he doesn't intend to use words to prove his ideas. He chose to drop out of school before graduation.

At this moment, Jiang Qiming felt a little complicated when he saw his name in the hospital and saw the school girls who were more or less related to him.

It seems that this school girl is also very good at medical skills, otherwise the teacher would never accept her.

It's just...why did Mi Yuan, who graduated from the teacher's place, choose to just work as a nurse in this hospital?
This is a bit condescending.

However, this matter has little to do with him in the final analysis. The matter of how Mi Yuan, who graduated from the teacher, will choose her career path has nothing to do with him or his teacher. Seeing what she thinks, maybe she prefers the profession of a nurse to a doctor.

Thinking of the story of studying with the teacher, Jiang Qiming suddenly felt that time passed quickly.He is grateful to his teacher for teaching him a lot.

At that time, he was also the student the teacher was most proud of.

Even if in the end they had a deadlock in their relationship due to disagreement, he was still grateful to him.

He has had the blood of countless people on his hands, whether it is a bad person or an innocent good person, he has long been unsuitable for studying medicine to save people.

His teacher whose path is to save people should never know that he, who controls many important resources on the surface, is secretly running some black and invisible transactions.

His path is killing, taking goods, negotiating and profiteering.

Different ways do not seek each other, but life still has to go on.

"Let's go."

He squeezed the woman's hand, feeling the warmth from the palm.

(End of this chapter)

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