It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 122 Thank you for your hard work

Chapter 122 Thank you for your hard work
"After waking up, there are some things. I was so anxious that I really forgot to tell you." Li Tang sat next to the hospital bed, facing the window through which the sun shines through. "In this case, please tell Xiaoting for me."

She should, more or less, worry about herself.

After all, their previous friendship was so deep, and it wouldn't have completely collapsed because of such a little bit of inexplicable reason in retrospect.

People will always have a little negative emotion, let alone being provoked by others when they are emotionally high, and say a few words that incite the flames.

Human nature is like this, and she can understand it, but it's only natural to be sad.

Before she was taken away by Tong Ye, she and Ji Xiaoting had almost no contact with each other, even though they were both in the same company, maybe Ji Xiaoting avoided it on purpose, in short, they even met a lot less often.

"I don't blame you, aunt, I just think you should tell us, okay, I will tell Ji Xiaoting."

The company... Speaking of the company, she should go back to the company.

She has woken up. The old man's current state is not stable enough. It is estimated that the company has been in chaos for a long time. She has to go back to the place to prevent some people from taking advantage of the chaos to do something.

In the past few days, she was really confused by Tong Ye, a damned guy, and almost made her forget many things.

"Grandma, you're distracted, what are you thinking about?"

And many things, even if she doesn't take care of them, will continue to happen, and if she doesn't take care of them, it will only make certain things worse.

In fact, she couldn't rest at all.

"I'm sorry, Yangchu, I'm still in a hurry. You can go back first. Thank you for coming to see me." Li Tang thought of the potential hidden dangers, and it was impossible for her to let herself recuperate in the hospital. She had to go back and do something. "It's true that I didn't tell you guys this time, sorry, tell Xiaoting for me too."

"Understood, aunt, you can't do this next time." Yang Chu gave her a helpless look, knowing that he couldn't stop her, so he had to agree and left Li Tang's ward reluctantly.

He's such a clown.

Leaving her ward, leaving the floor where her ward is located, and taking the elevator to leave the hospital, Yang Chu's emotions have not calmed down.

He just now... should have been ordered to evict by Li Tang.

Maybe she really has something urgent to do, but...why can't she let him stay a little longer?

He also wanted to know how she was recovering, what she had experienced after she had been missing for so many days, and even, as a good friend, he wanted to ask how she felt about Jiang Qiming, and how their relationship had broken down. Where has it progressed, will it continue to develop, etc. A series of cross-border issues that have nothing to do with him.

Forget it, the things have already been delivered, and she also knows that it is not good to not tell their friends after waking up, and she apologizes, and she will not lie, she said that if there is an urgent matter, it must be urgent, he Why bother so much.

I hope everything goes well for her, and I hope that the urgent matter she talks about can be resolved smoothly.

God, she is just a woman who needs to be loved and relied on. She has only experienced a kidnapping incident and woke up from a coma. Don't... be too harsh on her.

It's ridiculous to say that apart from prayers and blessings, if something really happened to Li Tang, he wouldn't be able to help.

To her, he is really useless as a friend.

(End of this chapter)

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