Chapter 123 You Little Guy
Not long after, Pei Lu appeared in Li Tang's ward with several shopping bags.

"Lulu, how is the company doing now?" Li Tang seriously asked Pei Lu who was standing next to him while changing his clothes, "Boss Li and I are not here these days, thank you for your hard work."

"Everything is fine at the company, but there are indeed some large documents that need your signature. I can bring them to the hospital for you. You don't need to go to the company in person..." Seeing Li Tang's serious look, Pei Lu also Seriously, "You'd better take care of your health first. The company has a board of directors, and I will take care of it for you. There won't be any major problems."

"The guys on the board of directors can't be trusted." Li Tang quickly changed his clothes, "Let's go."

It just so happened that Jiang Qiming was not in the hospital because of some urgent matters, and he probably wouldn't be able to take care of her for a while. She happened to have the opportunity and time to go back to her company to take a look.

To be honest, with Pei Lu here, and a board of directors that check and balance each other, plus their biggest partner so far, it is not enough for the company to have particularly big problems.

But the dragons can't lose their heads. The old man is still lying on the hospital bed. Before he wakes up, she has to shoulder the responsibility of the old man.

The old man had authorized her a long time ago to exercise all his powers when he was not around, but at this time, she had to stand up and stabilize the situation.

"Lulu, does Li Zuoguang have any work on hand in the next few days?" Li Tang got into the car driven by Pei Lu and asked after fastening his seat belt.

"He doesn't have much work on hand, just some daily financial statements, what do you mean?"

"Let someone else take over what he's doing, and now let him wait for me in the office, I have something urgent for him."


Probably because of the good road conditions today, they came downstairs to the company not long after.

After opening the car door, Li Tang strode towards the company building, followed closely by Pei Lu.

"Elder Sister? Why didn't you say anything when you woke up?" Li Yuhan, who happened to be handing over the affairs on the first floor, saw Li Tang for the first time, and yelled directly.

"Yeah, I forgot you are a little guy." Li Tang glanced at her who was working seriously, and suddenly didn't want to care about the fact that she still called her like that in the company.

She didn't want to quarrel with Li Bingyuhan today or get angry with each other. She had more important things to do, so she just played a little lip service so that Li Bingyuhan wouldn't be so ignorant and insisted on choking sentence.

She is too lazy to argue with her now.

But...Li Bin Yuhan seems to have changed a lot, or should be said this way, she has grown up and become more sensible.

When the old man just asked her to come to the company, she didn't know anything, and now she can handle some of the work at hand by herself. a kind of progress.

"That... Mr. Li, I have something to tell you." Seeing that Li Tang was about to take the elevator directly, Li Binyuhan put down the documents in her hand, trotted a few steps to Li Tang's side, and whispered beside her Said.

"I'm in a hurry right now, let Secretary Pei notify you when I'm done." Li Tang shook his head slightly, and then stepped into the elevator that just opened the door.

I don't know why Li Bin Yuhan's attitude towards her has improved so much when he saw her today.

But this is not the most important thing to her at the moment, she can't really stop at the elevator door to listen to her finish just because of her attitude change.

However, just give her a chance to talk, she will still agree, just let her talk to her a few words alone, it has to be dealt with after she has settled the most important things.

"Okay." Li Yuhan didn't bother or say anything too much, and turned around and left before the elevator door closed, probably going to do the work that she hadn't finished just now.

(End of this chapter)

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