It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 124 A Slight Improvement

Chapter 124 A Slight Improvement
Fortunately, Li Tang asked Li Zuoguang to remind her about the incident of the little boy deliberately soiling her skirt in a large shopping mall. At least it didn't let this incident ferment and affect her reputation.

It's been a long time, but she only found out about it recently.

When she first heard about this from her aunt, her first reaction was that she didn't believe that Li Tang would be so kind to her. She even thought it was a good thing that Li Tang didn't make trouble in this matter. She didn't expect She actually asked Li Zuoguang to be careful about this matter and deal with it carefully.

It's not that she can't feel the kindness of others towards her, and the kindness towards her. It is precisely because she feels this that she changes her opinion of Li Tang.

Probably... It's also because Li Tang disappeared for several days inexplicably, and then I heard from Xia You that she was lying in the hospital and looked very weak. She probably suffered a lot during the few days when she was taken away, and she didn't want to be here. It's time to make her eldest sister feel bad.

During this period of time, she has honestly learned some things, and even Xia You, who has always looked down on her and is always venomous towards her, has said that she has made progress, which made her suddenly feel that she should humbly ask others for advice. Experience, learning something is good.

She is from the Li family, and she never wanted to be the stupidest person in the Li family that Xia You said before.

"This... I don't seem to be able to solve it. Why don't you go to Sister Xia You? This seems to be what she is good at."

"Okay, thank you." Li Binyuhan put away the information on the desktop, and then politely thanked the man who browsed the document just now.

It's not that she deliberately didn't want to go to Xia You, it's just... Xia You during this period made her feel very uncomfortable.

After Mr. Li and Li Tang were hospitalized one after another, Xia You seemed to be a lot more rampant. She spoke alarmist words and did not allow the people below to refute her. The tone was very high...

Li Zuoguang asked some news about Xia You before, probably because Xia You has a certain important person behind him—probably a certain chairman—so he has always behaved and spoken very rudely. This point has also been noticed by Li Rendao and Li Tang, but Li Tang, who has always acted vigorously and resolutely, has not made any substantial moves...

Of course, ordinary employees like her can't get in touch with the above things. Many times, when she chats with Li Zuoguang in her spare time, the few words she hears are not complete.

It's just...Xia You's behavior during this time is too much like the tiger is not at home and the monkey is the overlord. She still wants to tell the eldest sister...

After all, Xia You is still her boss appointed by the company. Most of the time, she still has to listen to her orders and do things that she is not willing to do, or even does not need her to do.

If Xia You's actions can be reported during the absence of Master Li and Li Tang, it should also make the eldest sister feel more relaxed, right?Maybe...he will change his opinion of himself.

She is just an immature little girl, and she also needs someone who can protect her in the workplace, and the candidate for this position, Mr. Li, of course she dare not touch porcelain, but the elder sister is not necessarily...

Li Binyuhan, who had returned to her work station, had just put down her things when she heard Xia You making some sarcastic remarks there again.

"In my opinion, apart from those two, the Li family can't name any powerful people."

"Are you right, the slightly progressive Li family's idiot?"

(End of this chapter)

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