Chapter 125 Embezzlement
"Your job is entrusted to others these days. You go to the hospital to look after the master." Li Tang, who had just sat down, said to Li Zuoguang, who had been waiting for her in her office, with a very serious tone, "Replacement Do you have a candidate for the person you work for, if not, let Pei Lu arrange it later. "

"President Li, I think Concubine Li and Yuhan can..." Li Zuoguang spoke in a low voice, but it was enough for Li Tang to hear what he was saying in the closed office.

"She has improved so much? Then let her come."

Originally Li Zuoguang did not do any particularly difficult work, since he recognized Li Binyuhan's working ability, let her do it.

"You can leave now, and the fare company will reimburse you."

After listening to Li Tang's words, Li Zuoguang nodded, and then signaled that he was going to leave now, and left her office without any muddle.

Alright, after placing a trustworthy person beside the old man... it's time to deal with the company's affairs.

"Lulu, come in." Li Tang said to the door, and then opened the documents neatly placed on the table one by one, "Has anyone in the company exposed recently?"

"Mr. Li, it's still the same as before. It's still Xia You and the people behind her. After you disappeared, they became more and more rampant."

"Li Yishaohong is in the company, let her come over." After browsing through the materials, Li Tang said decisively, "Lulu, go and get rid of Xia You's bad remarks and Find out the excesses and organize them into data, I want them right away.”

"Okay, Mr. Li." After answering, Pei Lu turned and left her office.

Li Tang leaned back in the chair and squeezed the space between his brows.

Her current mood is still calm, at least not so strong that it will break through her rational control.

After reading those materials and some confidential documents just now, plus the materials obtained from the information network before, as well as her and the old man's observation, she probably knows who the big man behind Xia You is now.

The reason why I didn't work with the old man to get rid of this person directly was because I also considered that this person is a member of the Li family. If a family business publicly disposes of people added by itself, it is somewhat detrimental to the unity of the entire family, and It is also not conducive to various things other than the company, and it is more troublesome, so the old man asked her to wait and see first, and wait for the time to make a decision.

Now that she can no longer wait and see, she has to do something.

The power of public opinion, in fact, looking back, is not that powerful, but when you are in it, you are occasionally frightened by the turbulent waves on the surface.

Her current body is not bad, and it is not appropriate to say that she is full of energy, but there is still no problem in dealing with some reasonable and well-founded things, but... Jiang Qiming is indeed right, what is the unknown drug that the damn doctor injected her with? It is not clear what side effects there will be, and she still has to try to avoid some unknown dangers.

Soon, someone knocked on the door of her office, and then opened the door and walked in under her response.

"Mr. Li, are you looking for me?" Li Yishaohong appeared in front of her wearing a long wine red dress, her tone of voice was a bit aggressive, but the expression on her face was clearly nervous, "What's the matter? You and During the period when the master was hospitalized, I did my best to take care of this company."

"Stop talking about boasting, come on, aunt, take a look at this." Li Tang tapped the keyboard, then turned the notebook on the table in front of Li Yishaohong, "Misappropriation of public funds, the money is yours in your pocket?"

What was displayed in front of Li Yishaohong was row after row of cells, which clearly marked the time, amount and purpose of each time she embezzled public funds, and this data was so real that she was a little scared. at a loss.

"Mr. Li, are you mistaken? I'm not the type to do this kind of thing. How many years have I been working behind the old man's ass? I treat the company as much as my own family. How could I do such a thing?" Li Yi Shaohong took two steps back, and after realizing her gaffe, she took a few steps forward, pointed at the form Li Tang had called up and said in a trembling voice, "You tested me on purpose, right? I Never did any of these things!"

"Aunt, if you don't want to admit it, then you can watch this video again." Li Tang turned the notebook back, fumbled on the keyboard again, finally opened a video, and turned the notebook over , facing Li Yishaohong, "Even if it is deleted, I can still find it."

In the video, there happened to be a video of Li Yishaohong embezzling public funds, which clearly marked the time and place, and then the screen changed, and the general content was that Li Yishaohong laundered the money and earned it into his own account inside.

"Auntie, is there anything else you want to say?" After the video was played, Li Tang turned the notebook back again, faced himself, and exited the several running programs, "The old man and I thought that you were our own family. I don't want to kill you all, and I did not deal with Xia You to save face, I didn't expect you to think..."

"We don't know anything about your little tricks, and you even want to do something bigger?"

Li Tang's tone of voice became more and more excited, and the enamel cup placed on the corner of the table was directly thrown out by her, and it was broken into countless pieces on the white ground.

"Ah!" Li Yi Shaohong was startled, and then looked at Li Tang who suddenly became angry with some horror, and didn't know why she suddenly became so excited.

Obviously... Li Tang has always been a person with good emotional self-control. Although she is not close to her, she has worked with her several times and has experienced her emotional stability. I also probably know that she is a person who seldom gets angry, because of her misappropriation of public funds today...

Actually smashed all the cups that the master gave you?She didn't know how to throw it to the side, the pieces almost scratched her calf!
(End of this chapter)

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