Chapter 126

"No, Mr. Li, listen to me... This matter can still be discussed. Don't be so angry, after all, you have just been discharged from the hospital." Li Yishaohong walked towards Li Tang as if After a few steps, she was killed by her eyes, "Mr. Li, what do you mean?"

"You've been fired. Pack up your things and leave." Li Tang realized that his mood was not right again and took several deep breaths, trying to restrain the sudden anger just now, "The dismissal document will wait It will be sent to you electronically."

"Wait, Li Tang, I am from your Li family. We are grasshoppers on the same rope. If you fire me on your own initiative, isn't it just weakening the dominant position of the Li family in the company?" Li Yishaohong still wanted to fight hard. What to say, "I just embezzled a small amount of money, it's nothing to the master and you, right? It's really not possible, can I make up the money in a few days?"

"Grasshopper? Auntie, you're overthinking. At best, you're just a bloodsucker for the company."

Not to mention the front line, it's not bad if she didn't run to the opposite side of them.

She has a close relationship with Xia You, and she herself dared to embezzle public funds so blatantly. It is more normal for Xia You to say something that should not be said and do something that should not be done within the company.

I just got used to it.

I really thought she and the old man couldn't cure them.

"You! I want to report to the board of directors! The board of directors will not agree with you to fire me, Li Tang, although the master and you are in charge of this company, it is not up to you to decide everything!" Li Yishaohong was a little excited As he spoke, his voice grew louder.

It is true that she embezzled the public straddle, but this amount is nothing in terms of the company's overall profit. It is not a big deal at all. Why should Li Tang kill them all?
You know, Master Li paid her a very high salary, and she will never do such things as embezzlement of public funds in the future, and she can live a good life with this salary alone.

She just did a small thing wrong, there is absolutely no need for Li Tang to go online like this, and to say that she is a bloodsucker from some company in such a weird way, it's ridiculous!

When she was working hard for the company, this girl didn't know where she was, and now she began to accuse her elders with a superior look?Even if she is the master's only precious daughter!

What's more, isn't the master still awake now, maybe he won't be able to wake up!A mere Li Tang, if she didn't have Li Rendao's help behind her, she wouldn't have to bow down to her at all!
After all, doesn't she just have a good background?I really thought it was my own ability!
"Whether Mr. Li can wake up is still a problem. Don't think that you are the one who has the final say on this company. I want to see. If Li Rendao just collapsed on the bed, why are you here covering the sky with one hand!" Li Yishaohong said angrily, and kicked away the fragments of the water glass that happened to be broken at her feet.

"You can say such things in front of me, so it's no wonder Xia You always does things that others can't help but notice."

"Mr. Li, I've finished the materials you asked me to sort out." Almost exactly, Pei Lu pushed open the door and walked in, holding a stack of warm documents that had just been printed out, "This is Xia You During this period of time, she violated all the items stipulated by the company, and her actions are completely sufficient for the company to dismiss her."

"What do you mean? Are you going to fire me and Xiaoyou together in this way?" After hearing what Pei Lu said, Li Yishaohong made a sudden pounce and snatched the document from Pei Lu's hands. She tore the pieces of paper into pieces without even looking at them, "Impossible! She is stupid to dismiss Xiaoyou, and I have to ask the board of directors for my opinion!"

Li Tang moved the mouse and received the electronic document about Xia You's violation of the company's regulations sent by Pei Lu a few minutes ago. After a cursory glance, he was really disturbed by Li Yishaohong who was yelling in the office. terribly upset.

"Pei Lu, notify the other directors to hold a board meeting immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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