Chapter 127

"Okay, Mr. Li, I'll go get ready now." After speaking, Pei Lu left the office, "Do you need to call Concubine Li and Yuhan over now?"

"Call her." After responding to Pei Lu, Li Tang raised his head, signaling Li Yi Shaohong to leave her office now, "You should go back first, and wait for the results of the board meeting."

In fact, she didn't really want to hold a board meeting, because there are indeed many things, and it is more troublesome to discuss and deal with, but the old man is still unconscious, and many things are slowly beginning to surface. According to Li Yishaohong's position, If you want to fire her, you still have to go through the process of the board of directors and deal with it according to the procedures...

It just so happened that after all those miscellaneous things were dealt with, she could feel at ease for a few days.

Li Tang was the only one left in the huge office. Except for the sound of typing on the keyboard and the mouse, the closed office was quiet.

Sure enough, my own computer is the most convenient to use, without any obstacles, and various programs can run without interfering with each other, which is much more convenient.

Before Pei Lu called Li Bin Yuhan over, Li Tang roughly inquired about Li Bin Yuhan's work content and work situation during this period, and browsed through it from beginning to end, and probably had an idea in mind.

Compared with when she first joined the company, she is indeed much better. However, if she is not relying on the power of the old man or the backstage of the Li family, she probably has no way to become a regular in the company.

Probably because Li Yishaohong said something about the dominant position of the Li family in the company just now, Li Tang also suddenly understood something.

The old man clearly knew that the working ability of Li Bin Yuhan and Li Zuoguang did not meet the standard for entering the company, but he still clearly arranged them in with the identity of the Li family. It turned out that he wanted to consolidate and strengthen his own family. Power in the company...

This is the main reason. It's just polite words to say that you want to help the juniors practice.

The old man is not so kind, so he would not do such a thing.

It seems that in the company, one still needs to cultivate one's own influence... No matter whether it is a high position or a low position, in short, one must never be alone.

"Sister, I'm here." Li Bin Yuhan knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and walked in.

"Next time you have to wait for someone else to say yes before you open the door, so forget it here." Li Tang closed the notebook, put it on the side of the table, and then put his fingers on the table, "You just entered in the elevator. What do you want to say?"

"It's not a big deal, just... I want to say thank you to you. If you hadn't asked Li Zuoguang to remind me of the incident in the mall at that time, maybe this incident would still be fermented." Li Pin Yuhan nodded to her. He nodded, speaking very slowly, probably organizing the language in his mind.

"It's easy to do, that matter wasn't your problem in the first place." Li Tang responded to her somewhat officially, and then continued to ask, "Is there anything else to say?"

"I want to report Xia You. During the time you and the master were away, she said a lot of offensive words! She didn't take the master and you... She didn't pay attention to the company's rules at all!"

"I have asked Secretary Pei to sort out all her violations of the company's rules during this period." Li Tang knocked on the white desk, his tone was very flat, and his face was so calm that no expression could be seen, "You The matter of reporting has been dealt with, is there anything else to say?"

"I... I have nothing to say..." Seeing that Li Tang's reaction was so flat, Li Yuhan didn't know what else to say for a while, as if what she wanted to say, sitting opposite her The woman who was holding it didn't seem to be a big deal.

Li Pin Yuhan felt a sense of frustration, but it was really not easy to express it in front of Li Tang.

It seems that the elder sister still cares about the previous matter, and the MDK Hotel said a lot of bad things to her at that time, maybe the elder sister just didn't say it, but actually still cares about it...

The eldest sister has a very high status in the company, and she is probably used to seeing big winds and waves by the side of Mr. Li. The matter of Xia You, and the matter that she secretly helped her before, it is probably not a big deal for her. what.

"Do it well, you still have a lot of room for improvement." Probably because the expression and thoughts on Li Bin Yuhan's face were too obvious, Li Tang still encouraged her aloud.

When she wanted Li Zuoguang to remind Li Bin Yuhan, she never thought that Li Bin Yuhan's attitude towards her would change a lot because of this trivial matter.

It seems that she is not completely incurable.

As for Xia You's matter, it's hard to say, Xia You is the team leader assigned to her by the company, and with Xia You's personality and usual way of dealing with people, it is very likely that Li Pin Yuhan hates her because of selfishness, which makes Li Bin If Yuhan really reported what Xia You did, it might be mixed with a lot of personal emotions...

Forget it, in short, the matter about Xia You has been handed over to Pei Lu. If all goes well, Xia You will receive the dismissal document this afternoon.

Concubine Li Yuhan is still young, so she doesn't need to take care of this kind of thing. Reporting this kind of thing is also making enemies in the company to a certain extent. She still has the old man's protection to some extent, but she can't let the old man lose save face.

"Okay!" Maybe taking Li Tang's words as a compliment, Li Bin Yuhan seemed to be in a good mood.

"Go back to work. If you need anything in the future, ask Pei Lu first, and she will take you."

Xia You is about to be fired, and her team leader should also be replaced.

Let Pei Lu lead her. It seems that she is indeed much more obedient and director than before. If this continues, it is not impossible for her to do some work steadily.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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