Chapter 128 No If
After watching Li Bin Yuhan go out, Li Tang relaxed and leaned back on the chair.

Her energy was indeed not as good as it was before she was taken away by Tong Ye, and after dealing with so many things in a series, she actually felt a little tired.

The meeting of the board of directors will be tomorrow at the earliest, but according to the usual speed, she is also busy with a series of things including collecting information, organizing languages, etc., and it is estimated that the meeting will be held the day after tomorrow.

Li Tang leaned lazily on the back of the chair, feeling a little drowsy, and just about to get up to pour a cup of coffee, he heard the phone on the table ring.

After putting down the thermos in his hand, Li Tang answered the call with some reluctance.

This phone was bought by Jiang Qiming, and it also used Jiang Qiming's calling card, and there was only one man in contact, so he was the only one who could call her.

"Li Tang, where are you now?" As soon as the call was connected, a anxious voice came from the other side.

It seemed that Jiang Qiming knew that he was no longer in the hospital, but since he could ask such a question, he must not know that he was in the company.

"I won't tell you, let the hacker next to you check it."

She still has some things to deal with, and she doesn't really want to see Jiang Qiming now.

According to Jiang Qiming's temperament, he probably knows that she is still dealing with a lot of things in the company, and she suddenly lost her temper just now, and he will definitely use force—he has not used it before anyway—to take her back to the hospital. Then he had someone Zeng guard the door of his ward day and night, absolutely not letting him go out.

He will definitely do this, he always puts his own thoughts and considerations first, and never asks what she thinks, whether she wants to stay in the hospital like a useless person these days, Even though she has sound limbs and no injuries at all, she has to spend her days bored in that ward.

"Is there anything else, I'll hang up if it's nothing." Seeing that the person on the other side didn't speak, Li Tang reminded him aloud out of his usual politeness and upbringing.

"Li Tang, are you at the company?" Soon, Jiang Qiming responded to her. It turned out that he already knew where she was now, "Why didn't you wait for me in the hospital? If something happened to you, the consequences of fainting again, there is no People can guarantee."

"No if, Jiang Qiming, nothing happened to me."

"I'll come to you now and follow me back to the hospital."

"You don't need to pick it up, I'll let Pei Lu take me back when I'm done." Li Tang resolutely rejected him, "I'm not a useless person, and I don't need your constant care."

Moreover, this doesn't seem to be a concern, does it?Jiang Qiming just wanted her to listen to him, and he just wanted to control too much.

"Li Tang, don't make fun of your own life." Jiang Qiming's tone was so serious that even through the phone, Li Tang could imagine his gloomy expression, "I'm coming to pick you up from the company downstairs."


After the man finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for Li Tang to say anything.

Li Tang looked at the phone showing the end of the call, feeling a little helpless for a moment.

Of course she knew that her body had been severely damaged mentally, but as long as she wasn't too emotional, there would be no major abnormality. She could still move and live normally, and she didn't have to stay in that hospital all the time... …

But she definitely can't convince Jiang Qiming, and men won't listen to her.

The relationship between them has always been like this, even if she really has a reason and has something to do, he will let her do things according to his wishes first.

However, how could someone take their own life as a joke?Of course, she also knew that it would be inconvenient if something happened to her after she left the hospital, but...

The old man lay down too, and she didn't want to just lie down.

Li Tang stared at the white tabletop for a while, but in the next second, her eyes suddenly focused on her lower abdomen.


The thermos cup in her hand was also thrown out by her, and fell heavily to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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