It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 129 You Are My Girlfriend

Chapter 129 You Are My Girlfriend
After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qiming rushed all the way to the downstairs of Li Tang's company, and walked in without saying hello.

"Hi Mr. Jiang, today you and Mr. Li don't seem to..." The front desk lady has long remembered his face, and also knows that he is having a big cooperation with her company, but today's schedule is in her , but it doesn't include meeting Mr. Jiang, so I asked one more question.

"..." Jiang Qiming didn't speak, but gave her a look.

He didn't want to explain so much, besides, he came to see Li Tang, did he still need to make an appointment?
"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry. If there is no appointment, Mr. Li won't meet anyone." Although Jiang Qiming was more or less frightened, the receptionist still stood up and stopped him, "Would you like to sit down?" After a while, I'll call Mr. Li's office?"

"Without Mr. Li's instructions, the elevator won't work either."

"...Hmm." Jiang Qiming frowned slightly, looking a bit in a bad mood.

Li Tang looked like he really didn't want to see him.

He was obviously only worried about her health, and then again, if she needed to go back to the company to handle some company affairs, he would not force her to stop her, but why did she just leave the hospital without saying a word? up?

After dealing with some internal affairs of the organization, he rushed back so anxiously that when he entered the ward, he didn't see Li Tang at all. After finding someone to adjust the hospital's surveillance, he realized that Li Tang was about to Pei Lu called over, and nine out of ten must have gone to the company to deal with work.

Her condition is obviously not clear, how can she go out so boldly?

It's okay to be emotional, this is not a particularly big problem, if her fragile nerves are stimulated by something, and she faints again, the consequences...

He didn't want to think about it, but he hoped that Li Tang would be more honest, and stay calm until the hospital confirmed that she would not have any accidental mental risks.

The reason he did this was obviously because he cared about her.

Even if she doesn't like herself and doesn't appreciate it, how can she say that she still has to care about her body?
Work, company, where is her body important?
"No need to call the office."

While Jiang Qiming was sitting beside him waiting, the elevator door suddenly opened, and a familiar voice came from in front of him.

As soon as he raised his head, a neatly dressed woman appeared in front of him, not at all like the haggard woman in the hospital gown, those who didn't know thought that nothing happened to her at all.

"I'll go back to the hospital with you now, Jiang Qiming."

Li Tang bent down slightly, met Jiang Qiming's cold gaze, and spoke slowly.

"But you have to promise me one thing."

"Speak, Xiaotang." The man's expression was very calm, as if he was patiently waiting for Li Tang to say something.

"I don't want to rest in the hospital, I'm leaving the hospital in two days."

She could understand that Cheng Jiang Qiming was caring about herself in an inappropriate way, and of course she knew what he was worried about, but it was absolutely impossible for her to stay in the hospital so obediently for so long.

Even resting outside is more comfortable than staying in the hospital.

She really didn't want to smell the smell of disinfectant all day long.

"If you don't have any abnormalities, you can live in Jingyi Residence after you are discharged from the hospital."


What does he mean by that, is that he wants her to go to Jing Yiju to recuperate?

That would be too inconvenient, not to mention they are now...

The memory of being kicked out of Jingyiju by Jiang Qiming last time was still vivid in his memory, which made Li Tang subconsciously resist going to Jingyiju.

"Because you're my girlfriend."

He had seriously considered what Li Tang told him when he just woke up.

He did have a crush on her, so at that time he was unwilling to do this kind of thing that took advantage of her. What he hoped was that Li Tang would be willing to be by his side from the bottom of his heart, instead of just being cold like last time. It is not a spiritual, emotional communication and willingness to take what you want.

He didn't want to have such an ordinary cooperative relationship with her that could be terminated if either party broke the contract.

So even if he really wanted to accept Li Tang's bargaining chip at that time, he had to own her first.


Unexpectedly, Li Tang readily agreed to him, even though he resisted him so much just now.

Something is off, but, okay.

"Then, my boyfriend, you will give me whatever I want, right?" Li Tang took a step towards Jiang Qiming who was sitting, then bent down and whispered in his ear.

"Yes." The woman's voice was next to his ear, and the faint breath made Jiang Qiming's Adam's apple subconsciously move.

She didn't know how seductive she was to him at all, she was tempting him like a snake and scorpion, disintegrating his reason again and again.

"Within a month, I want Tong Ye to die."

The woman's tone was no longer flat, but tinged with a hint of sternness.

"I promised you a long time ago." But the man didn't think it was strange, he said in a calm voice, and stood up slowly, "Let's go back first."

"Okay." It wasn't until this time that Li Tang fully agreed to him.

Isn't it all because of that Tong Ye that she has so many messes on her hands now?

Ever since Tong Ye returned to China, her good life seemed to be coming to an end. It was the first time she was taken away, injected with drugs, and forced to do things she didn't want to do when she was so old. Whenever she thinks about it, the hatred in her heart permeates her whole body.

That's not what disgusted her the most.

What disgusted her the most was the child in her stomach that was likely to be conceived. It was like a cancerous tumor, reminding her of what she had experienced in Tong Ye's villa time and time again.

If memories can be deleted, then the first thing she wants to delete is this memory.

(End of this chapter)

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