Chapter 130
"How is Song Ning? Tell me, are they all dumb?"


Accompanied by a gunshot, the person kneeling on the ground fell straight to the ground, while the few surviving people beside him tremblingly looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know how to speak.

"I said a long time ago that I shouldn't come to work under this lunatic. Now it's fine. We didn't cure that woman. This guy insists on blaming us. What should we do now?"

"What can I do! Hurry up and find an excuse, or we will be the ones who get shot later!"

"Mr. Tong, listen to us first. The matter is like this..." One of the doctors took two steps forward and stammered in a trembling voice, "Mr. Tong, Miss Song's illness... ...the root cause of the disease, this... this should be the reason why the previous illness was not treated well..."

"If you keep grinding, I will collapse with you!" Tong Ye, who was standing on a high place, did not have the patience to listen to him rambling so much, and reloaded the gun in his hand impatiently.

"Yes! Yes..." The doctor was so frightened that sweat poured down his face, he wiped his forehead casually, "Miss Song's voice may be abolished... According to our diagnosis and treatment, Miss Song should It was the time of the onset, but I didn’t get a good treatment, and it was delayed again and again, and it became the current situation that cannot be saved..."

"Mr. Tong, the matter of becoming ill after a long period of time... No matter how good our medical skills are, there is nothing we can do about it. Some diseases should have been treated at the time, and if we keep procrastinating, we will easily become like Miss Song. Vice voice..." The other doctors also started rambling at this time, trying to speak innocently to themselves, lest Tong Ye would kill them all impulsively.

"You just said that there is still a possibility of getting better?" Tong Ye's face darkened, but the change was not obvious, but he asked a few doctors in white coats kneeling on the ground in a cold voice.

"It might get better...this should be..." A doctor was lost in thought, and hesitantly opened his mouth.

"Yes! Yes, Mr. Tong, Ms. Song's voice may still get better! As long as Ms. Song actively cooperates with our treatment, it's only a matter of time before it gets better!" Another doctor realized that something was wrong, and quickly covered it up loudly. Stopped what the doctor hadn't finished speaking just now.

He didn't want to die here at this time.

Say a few nice words first, and coax this murderous guy in front of him. When they leave this kind of place, he will quickly find a way to leave here and stay away from these weird right and wrong.

It's annoying, it's not their fault in the first place, it's clear that Tong Ye called away the doctor who had been with Song Ning for another woman, and didn't say that they should guard Song Ning and treat Song Ning's illness ...

Song Ning can't speak now, it's obviously his own fault, but now he's holding a gun and blaming them, it's ridiculous!
"Yes! Mr. Tong, Ms. Song's voice is still recovering. Give us a little time, and she will definitely recover!" The other doctors were not stupid, and soon understood the meaning of the doctor who took the lead in speaking loudly just now. Hurry up and respond.

"If you can be cured, let you go. If you can't be cured, your end will be next to you. Don't I need to demonstrate it again?" Seeing that the doctors seemed to be very serious, Tong Ye was relieved for a while, and kept the robbery away. He got up and asked coldly.

"Yes, yes, let's discuss the plan now, and Miss Song will definitely recover!" A doctor took the lead and said.

"Hurry up and go, go do what you should do." Tong Ye waved his hands at them impatiently, signaling them to get out quickly and stop dangling in front of his eyes in white clothes. bother.

After the sound of the door opening and closing, Tong Ye was the only one left in the small black room.

What the doctors said was not unreasonable, nor was he ignorant.

He thought that this time Song Ning was just the same as before, just some old problems, and basically he would recover in a few days, but how did he know that this time the illness was violent, and after a long time, Song Ning lost his voice .

She herself is really serious. She clearly knows that the illness this time is very serious, and she doesn't know that she will introduce herself to see it in her lifetime. She insists on resisting it by herself, but in the end the illness dragged on like this. Isn't this her own fault?
He has no time to take care of her. Doesn't she know how to take care of herself? She's not a child anymore. Could it be that she can't do this kind of thing without him?

At this moment, Tong Ye only felt that there was an unknown fire in his heart, but he didn't know who the fire was spreading in.

If it wasn't for that Jiang Qiming who caused trouble, he wouldn't be in the current situation. If it wasn't for him, Li Tang would have been in his hands long ago, and he still needed to spend so much time trying to control Li Tang. Tang, but Song Ning was ignored here. Song Ning didn't know how to take care of herself, so she insisted on making herself sick and losing her voice.

Why can't she be flexible?

He has always thought that she is a fairly smart woman, although she is not as good as Li Tang, but no matter what, she shouldn't be the kind of idiot who doesn't call a doctor when she is sick.

What a woman who would give him trouble...

(End of this chapter)

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