It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 131 Demonstrating With You

Chapter 131 Demonstrating With You
"Mr. Tong, Mr. Tong! The big thing is bad, the big thing is bad! Just now we found a highly corrupted corpse in the villa where you activated the self-destruct procedure before!" Those doctors had just left this little thing In the dark house, a few people in black clothes came on the back foot, shouting something loudly.

"Be quiet, do you want to die?" Tong Ye was already in a bad mood, but when he heard the noise of these people, his mood became even worse, and he spoke in an extremely impatient tone, "What corpse, whose is it?" ? It’s no big deal, it’s noisy when you come in.”

"It's the doctor who stayed by Miss Song's side and treated her! The body is already highly corrupted, and the death condition is miserable, so we didn't take any photos..."

"Yes, except for the head, the torso has no human appearance at all. It was hung on the clothes pole on the third-floor roof. It must have been dead for several days..."

"After a preliminary judgment, the cause of his death should be that he was forcibly injected with some rotten substance, and he was not treated. In addition, he was dried at a high place for several days and nights, and the moisture in his body and..."

Those who were chattering, their faces were full of horror.

When they were patrolling that area as usual, they suddenly looked up on the ground and saw a hanging figure. When they hurried to the scene, they were shocked by the tragic scene.

A giant corpse with a hole in its head was hung on a rusty clothesline. The rancid liquid flowed all over the floor. The scene was unbelievable to them. The reaction spit out.

It took them a lot of effort to ascertain the identity of this miserable deceased. It turned out to be the doctor who had met them a few times not long ago and who had been by Song Ning's side.

It’s only been a few days since we’ve seen each other, this magnificent villa was destroyed by fire, and ordinary friends who used to work together under one person’s hands have also become like this, saying that they don’t have a trace of fear in their hearts is simply impossible.

"Enough, I thought it was a big deal, isn't it just that a doctor died." Enduring impatience, Tong Ye finally interrupted the words of those people, and waved at them, with a look of indifference , "If he dies, he dies, and it's useless for him to live."

As for the guy who has been treating Song Ning and taking care of his medicine, he thought it was an important person's business, it was just the death of a crappy doctor who didn't help his plan, they didn't need to make such a fuss at all.

"Mr. Tong, things are not that simple... I remember that this doctor seemed to be found by Jiang Qiming's people and taken away forcibly. His tragic death may have been done by Jiang Qiming. They Kill him, and then deliberately hang it on the highest point of the villa where you met him last time, obviously to demonstrate against you!"

"Yeah, Mr. Tong, this matter can't be left alone! Let's not talk about his death so badly, Jiang Qiming is too inhumane! Make a hole in the top of his head, just insert him like this!" On the clothes rail, he clearly wants to provoke you!"

There was no such thing as Tong Ye just now, but after hearing Jiang Qiming's name, he stood up suddenly with a fierce expression on his face.

It was that guy who snatched his woman from him, then robbed the doctor who was working under him, killed him brutally, and hung him up for public display. This is definitely a naked provocation!

"Let's clean up that guy's body and inform the brethren. After a week, all the staff will dispatch to kill Jiang Qiming and his accomplices! Capture Li Tang alive!"

With such a strong killing intent, he almost wished that Jiang Qiming would die in front of him right now.

It was he who spoiled his good deeds, killed his subordinates, and robbed his woman, yet dared to provoke and declare war so arrogantly!
He would not tolerate Jiang Qiming's declaration of war!Since he wants to fight hotly, yes, he will definitely accompany him to the end!


(End of this chapter)

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