It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 133 If You Really Love Me

Chapter 133 If You Really Love Me
Li Tang waited patiently, picked up the small glass and took another sip.

Jiang Qiming shouldn't be angry, and the reaction shouldn't be too big. After all, the relationship between them is just a mere ex, and there is no possibility of a resurgence. From Jiang Qiming's point of view, he is completely You don't have to worry about choosing to be with Tong Ye.

"He still likes you?"

After Jiang Qiming basically sorted out the matter in his mind, he asked the first sentence.

His tone was very flat, even flat to the point of a little indifference.

Li Tang, who has always been good at observing words and expressions, naturally noticed this, but Li Tang didn't show it, but had some complicated feelings in his heart.

"Yes, but not." It was actually difficult for her to answer Jiang Qiming's question.

It depends on how she or Jiang Qiming defines the word "like" and emotion.

Tong Ye's attitude towards her, the tone of his speech, and some of the things he did for her, it's not an exaggeration to say that he likes her, could a normal and genuine liking be without her consent? What kind of micro-locator is installed in her body?

If he really liked her and loved her, how could his subordinates inject her with those unknown drugs?If Tong Ye didn't acquiesce in this matter, she really didn't believe it.

Judging from what happened to her, how could Tong Ye like her?
"He implanted a locator in your body." Probably Li Tang's vague answer made Jiang Qiming somewhat dissatisfied. The man's words were not as plain as the question just now, "People who like you don't do this kind of thing." thing."

Although he didn't know much about feelings, and he didn't have enough experience at all, but the fact that Guang Tongye implanted a micro-locator in Li Tang's body couldn't be called a liking.

In terms of emotions, even he can see through it, and Li Tang, who has far more experience than him, must also understand it, and this also makes Jiang Qiming feel that Li Tang's answer is not so tenable.

"It doesn't matter whether he likes me or not." Li Tang sighed softly. In fact, she agreed with what Jiang Qiming just said in her heart, but she didn't want to discuss this topic further. "The important thing is that not only do I not like him, but I want him to die."

Just looking at the words Li Tang uttered, it was very cruel and ruthless, but many things actually happened for a reason.

"I said, I will help you with this matter." Jiang Qiming said affirmatively, while bending slightly and touching her head.

It wasn't until this time that he suddenly realized that the woman sitting obediently on the sofa was actually only such a small ball, which made people feel protective.

Maybe it's also because he has no resistance to her, so he thinks she is cute and worthy of being loved most of the time.

"You helped me because you wanted me to be with you." Li Tang said lightly, without resisting Jiang Qiming's touch, "Jiang Qiming, you said you loved me when you were in the hospital, and you really loved me." Is it, or is it just what I need?"

Many times in the past few days, she has been confused by Jiang Qiming's decisive admission that he is in love with her. No, it can't be said to be confused... More often, it is an instinctive questioning.

Tong Ye doesn't know what liking is, but what about Jiang Qiming, does he know more, does he know what love is?

It seemed that he admitted so sincerely and firmly that he was in love with her, he probably didn't understand what he was thinking in his heart.

The hand touching her head was warm and gentle, and it was not at all like what Jiang Qiming would do in his past memories and impressions.

"I don't know if the talisman meets the standard of love in your heart." Jiang Qiming said slowly after being silent for a while, and took the initiative to shorten the distance between them, "But what I think is that I don't want to let you You are alone, no matter what you face, I hope I can stand by your side."

"Xiaotang, let's take our time, you will definitely feel my sincerity."

Shengluo, a kiss that was so light, so light that it seemed like a blink of an eye in a dream, fell on her lips, with a not so wet touch.

"If you really love me, I..." For some reason, Li Tang felt a string in her heart being plucked very lightly, with an emotion that made her feel very strange, very strange, "Will not disappoint you."

The man held her face in his hands, and she happened to be able to see her very small self in the man's eyes at a close distance, and there was a moment of hesitation in her eyes.

Maybe... To some extent, I am special to him.

(End of this chapter)

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