Chapter 134 Your True Face

Probably due to the emotion caused by the atmosphere, Li Tang's attitude towards Jiang Qiming suddenly softened.

"You haven't done the finishing work yet." As if suddenly remembering something, Li Tang quickly pulled out of the state just now, unlocked his phone, and found a piece of news easily, "This Did you do it?"

There are several blurry photos in the news. It is not difficult to see that it is a dead body. Except for the head, the other parts of the body are basically decomposed. The most uncomfortable thing is the body of this corpse. There was a hole in the skull, and a rusty clothes pole ran through the entire head. Although the photo on the news report was coded, Li Tang, who had many decoding experiences, could see it right away.

"This is the doctor who injected me with unknown drugs. I remember his face."

Even though most of the corpse's face had been distorted, with that outline and feeling, Li Tang could still recognize who the corpse was at first glance.

Every time she was injected with drugs and fell into a coma, she wanted to get up from the bed and rush to fight with him, but the doctor seemed to know what she was thinking, and came in to do it for her on Tong Ye's order. When checking—now that I think about it, there is probably the task of checking the locator—she would be given an injection first to make her faint.

She will never forget that face for the rest of her life. Even when she actually got along with him, most of them fainted, but only a few times of meeting each other left a deep impression on her.

Moreover, the scene in the photo was clearly on the third floor of Tong Ye's resplendent villa in the suburbs. She was even more unlikely to forget this, and she was even more sure that it should be Jiang Qiming's hand.

If not him, who else could it be?

Of course she also wanted the doctor to die, but she never thought of solving an appointment in such a cruel and perverted way.

Those who can make such a move can only be those who have long been accustomed to this kind of scene and have experienced countless lives and deaths.

Besides Jiang Qiming, besides Jiang Qiming, there was no one beside her who could kill the doctor and do it cruelly.

Probably because the original appearance of this matter was too cruel and curious, the number of comments and forwarding volume of this news was very high, which meant that it was going to be inflated and fermented.

She also saw this news by chance when Jiang Qiming was driving back to Jingyiju. She didn't tell Jiang Qiming at that time. At that time, she was not as sure as she is now that Jiang Qiming did it. Of course, she also She didn't plan to tell him this in the car, but she planned to remind him about it when she got back to Jing Yiju.

Again, when facing Tong Ye and his forces, they were on the same front.

Just now... I almost forgot about it.

Sure enough, love or something is easy to make mistakes.

The distance between them was not too far, so Li Tang could see Jiang Qiming's pupils moving slightly, probably because he was thinking about saying this.

"I did it." Jiang Qiming was silent for a long time before admitting it.

The death of this corpse was indeed horrific, but in his opinion, to a large extent, he deserved it.

He is also a medical student, since he wants to use the medical skills he has mastered to frame his people, he will let him taste what it is like to attack people casually.

After injecting him with that injection of liquid, he handed over the matter to Wu Peng, instructing him to hang the corpse on the clothes rail on the roof of the third floor of the villa. As for what happened to Wu Peng afterwards? He just wanted to make a hole on the top of the corpse's head, and insert the clothes rail into it, so he had no way of knowing.

But even so, he didn't intend to criticize Wu Peng, it's just... as Li Tang said, after reaching this level, the finishing work would be difficult.

In other words... After seeing the tragic state of this corpse and seeing the suspect in the case, shouldn't the first reaction of ordinary people be fear?The woman in front of her still seemed very calm, as if she wasn't frightened by those horrifying photos even though they were coded.

She should feel that she is a cruel and ruthless pervert, a murderous demon without blinking an eye.

But this is the closest to his original appearance, the closest to his life and private work.

"Are you afraid of me?" Seeing that Li Tang was silent, Jiang Qiming continued to ask.

Also wanting to appease the woman's emotions, Jiang Qiming slowly reached out and touched the woman's face, but the woman sitting on the sofa did not resist his touch.

"No, it's better to say that this is your true face." Li Tang was just indifferent to Jiang Qiming's actions.

Jiang Qiming has never been a soft-hearted person. He even said that he has done a lot of this kind of thing for a long time, so he will not hesitate at all.

That doctor really deserves to die, and the person who turned that doctor into what he is now... However, he just couldn't escape the shackles of morality. What morality, what secular vision stumbled.

Before, although she took the initiative to investigate Jiang Qiming several times, she did not find any specific information, but there is one thing, even if she could not find out specific cases, she knew that Jiang Qiming, to a certain extent, had a hand in hand. Tong Ye, who is full of blood, is the same kind of person.

It's no wonder that they will become rivals. After all, in the animal world, the more similar two powerful people are, the more intense the competition will be.

She has known for a long time that Jiang Qiming is actually such a person, but the time she got along with Jiang Qiming some time ago made her blur this point in Jiang Qiming's body time and time again, but what people have in him will never be because others don't Be careful or change by inadvertently ignoring it, it's there and it's only a matter of time before it comes to the surface.

So she wasn't actually afraid of him, because she knew what kind of person he was from the very beginning.

But then again, Li Tang, who saw those photos, was still frightened.

How did the doctor inject her with drugs, which made her mentally collapse, but Jiang Qiming just returned it the same way, even more cruelly.

An eye for an eye may be an unwritten rule in their profession.

It's just that I didn't expect... According to what I learned from chatting with nurse Mi Yuan in the past few days, that teacher Jiang Qiming should be a famous doctor who saves the world and always thinks about patients. He pays attention to the professional ethics of a doctor. The same is true for the students under his teaching, who put medical ethics first, and Jiang Qiming...

The medical skills he has learned, and the uses they are showing now, seem to be just... how should I put it, or how should she explain it to him, is it crooked?

It's no wonder that during the few days when Tong Ye took him away, the second doctor said that later, Jiang Qiming seemed to disagree with the teacher in many concepts, and he didn't become a teacher in the end, but stopped learning... Thinking about it this way, This should be the reason.

A famous doctor who saved lives and healed the wounded, and the most proud student he taught was actually such a crooked guy. Whoever it was, he couldn't continue to maintain a mentor-student relationship with this person.

It makes people feel emotional, or in other words, Jiang Qiming could have become the next well-known good doctor, but he chose a completely opposite path.


Hearing Li Tang's words, Jiang Qiming once again chose to remain silent.

(End of this chapter)

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