It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 150 The Most Trusted Person

Chapter 150 The Most Trusted Person
About four or five hours have passed, the battle situation is finally over, and the battlefield has finally been cleaned up.

On the clear electronic screen, Li Tang saw the fire that was almost set by Tong Ye, and the war that had to break out there, which had turned the home she had lived in for more than 20 years into a pile of ruins.

No need to think about it, those acquaintances she met in Li's mansion just now were probably killed by Tong Ye's gun, suffocated to death in the fire, or killed by both sides as enemy soldiers during the scuffle.

Just like what the young man in the compound said when he saw her just now, the people who worked in the Li mansion have almost dispersed, and those who are still willing to stay in the Li mansion have not only not received the attention of the master, but even Because of her Li Tang's problem, there may also be the problem of the old man who is still in the hospital, and died of this disaster.


She couldn't excuse anything.

It was she who insisted on going to Li's mansion under such circumstances.

Maybe it's because she thinks about the firefight too simply, or maybe she really underestimated the extent of Tong Ye's madness. In short, if she really listens to Jiang Qiming's words, she can stay in Jingyiju, not like before, okay? It's easy to go to Li's mansion just after being discharged from the hospital. Perhaps Tong Ye's madness will not affect those subordinates who have not chosen to leave even if there are rumors that the Li family is about to collapse.

First, Tong Ye said that because she liked to watch fireworks, she burned down Jiang Qiming's Tianyun Warehouse, and then she accidentally stepped into Tong Ye's trap and was forced to be trapped in Tong Ye's villa, and that villa ended up It was also turned into ruins in the fire and gun battle, and now, because he just came out of Jing Yiju, Tong Ye set fire to Li's mansion, and then Jiang Qiming's men and his men started a scuffle here again, capturing Song alive. rather……

It was as if wherever she went, the flames of war would burn.

She is the center of the war between the two parties, at least for now.

"He should be back to Jingyiju soon." Probably sensing Li Tang's exhaustion at the moment, Hazelman tapped on the computer, then looked at Li Tang and said, "I'll oversee the cleaning up of the mess, you go to rest Let's go."

If Jiang Qiming sees that his woman feels a little tired from this job later, he will probably be lectured by him.

But... this woman does have the ability to be a hacker, and she also showed her extraordinary qualities when she was listening just now. Should I say it or not, she is indeed a powerful woman.

Next time, if you have time, ask her how much she knows about high-tech, maybe she can become his colleague, or...she has more abilities hidden, but no one has discovered them, or She doesn't want to show it to outsiders.

She's definitely not just a savvy businessman, she could be something even better if she wanted to.

"You used to do this all by yourself?" Li Tang took off the earphones he had been wearing just now, and then adjusted the computer mode. He didn't intend to continue to follow Hazelman to monitor, but matched Heizeman cast his gaze over, and then asked with some doubts, "Jiang Qiming should have a lot of people under him, but you are the only one working in the background, you are very tired."

"Miss Li, other people's ability is incomparable to yours, so they are not qualified for this job, not to mention listening to communications, he has always only entrusted him to the person he trusts the most." I understood what Li Tang meant. After that, Hazelman smiled softly, "This is not an easy job, and it is not easy to do it for many years."

He didn't mean to speak for Jiang Qiming, that's the truth.

Intelligence work is an extremely important part. According to Jiang Qiming's personality, it is absolutely impossible for those who are not 100% trusted by him to intervene in this matter.

It seems that the woman in front of me doesn't know much about this, and it can even be said that she doesn't know anything about it.

(End of this chapter)

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