It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 151 The World Is Quiet

Chapter 151 The World Is Quiet
Song Ning, who was still heaving a sigh of relief, in the bloody eyes, the past, the forgotten, and even those memories that she felt were too blurred suddenly appeared before her eyes like a revolving lantern.

The clearest picture that came to her mind at this moment was just that Tong Ye asked her to wait for him to come back to pick her up, but he didn't show up until she was injured and finally caught by Jiang Qiming's people .

In fact, she knew in her heart that Tong Ye chose to abandon her at this time, and chose to make her a victim at this time, because no matter who he was under, he firmly believed that Tong Ye would never ignore her life or death.

Just like the last time, he frightened so many doctors just to let them heal his throat... His performance was so wonderful that she even felt that he cared about her so much.

That's why she believed that at this critical juncture, Tong Ye told her to wait for him for a while, and he wanted to go out to find something, such ridiculous words, that she would stay here, and she would be shot now. He has no ability to resist, and can only be carried away by two men like a dead man.

For Li Tang, he would do anything. Yes, Li Tang is the person he likes, the object of his obsession, the reason for him to return to China, so what is she who has stayed with him abroad in the past few years?
Before Li Tang appeared, they even lived together all the time. Now that Li Tang just appeared, can he make himself so easily an abandoned son of the war?
She has always regarded him as the enlightening star on her artistic path, but she never thought that the enlightening star she admired and followed all the time would leave her on the battlefield so cruelly, using lies and disguises to make her die in the Jiang Qiming's hands.

Then what is she.

Has she been just a tool to help him make money all this time?But if it weren't for her, he might have died at the hands of those people abroad. Even if he didn't die that day, how could he be able to walk abroad alone based on what he couldn't rely on?
He put all these things behind him, why, why?
"This woman seems to be dying." One of the men holding her murmured to his companion, and looked down at Song Ning who was still bleeding, "Boss wants us to capture her alive, we have to be careful , don't kill her."

"I'm already very light. If you ask me, women shouldn't go to the battlefield. That guy Tong Ye actually threw a woman on the battlefield and ran away by himself. He's really not a man!"

"Come on, don't comment on other people's feelings if you don't know the whole picture, that's ok, let's do what we should do."

The two men holding her fell silent again, as if they hadn't said anything just now.

Maybe the man just said a few light words, but Song Ning, who hadn't fainted yet, could hear them clearly.

How they commented on herself in a low voice, kept guessing about the relationship between herself and Tong Ye, and how they talked about some things between Tong Ye and Jiang Qiming, she heard them all.

Song Ning suddenly wanted to say something.

But she only felt dizzy for a while, and then her eyes went dark, her body became weak, and she passed out uncontrollably.

"Why is she... quickly bring her to the boss!"

"If she dies, we will have nothing to eat!"

Afterwards, they said something else that the woman, who was in shock from blood loss, never heard again.

She only felt that at the last second before she passed out, her world was eerily quiet.

That person still didn't show up in the end.

Sure enough, he still... did what the two people next to him said.

(End of this chapter)

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