Chapter 152 Be Your Gun

Li Tang finally listened to Heizeman's suggestion, and found a room to rest for a while. When he woke up, the sky outside was completely dark, and there was only very faint moonlight in the room without the lights on.

Probably because the light in the room was too dim, Li Tang sat up slowly from the bed, feeling slightly dizzy, and when he looked up, he couldn't see the clock hanging on the wall clearly.

She probably hasn't experienced this kind of high-intensity life for a while, and it may also be related to the aftereffects of those drugs. In short, even after sleeping, she still feels a little tired, unlike before. Resurrected with full blood and full of energy.

Li Tang lifted the quilt and got out of bed. After putting on his slippers, he went straight to the door. He opened the door from the inside with a little effort, but was suddenly so excited by the bright hall in the living room that he couldn't keep his eyes open for a while.

Why are the lights so bright in the living room... Could it be that Jiang Qiming came back after finishing his work?
It seems to be quite fast. I thought it would take him a long time to deal with such matters.

After almost getting used to the light in the living room, Li Tang opened his eyes. Standing beside the escalator and looking down, he could clearly see Jiang Qiming sitting on the sofa in the living room with a sullen face, touching a delicate cigarette case with his fingertips. .

She remembered that Jiang Qiming had the habit of smoking, especially when he was in a bad mood.

Li Tang sighed softly, then walked down the stairs gently.

Perhaps the whole Jingyiju fell into a kind of inexplicable embarrassment. The voice of Li Tang going downstairs was very loud in the empty and quiet villa. The man sitting on the sofa and smoking a cigarette subconsciously followed the sound. In the past, when he saw that it was her, he stood up and strode towards her.

"Are you still tired?" The man quickly walked to her side, and covered her hand holding the stairs with his big hand.

"It's much better after a good night's sleep." Suddenly meeting the man's gaze, Li Tang seemed at a loss for a while, "Are you done with your work?"

Probably... the way Jiang Qiming looked at her now was completely different from before.

If the look in his eyes before was like seeing the prey and the feeling of being surrounded by freshness, then the way he looked at her now, the emotion revealed, even if Li Tang didn't want to admit it, he couldn't deny it. a little.

She has always believed that the eyes are the windows to the soul. The words and actions of a man can be hypocritical, but the eyes alone are not.

At the moment when they looked at each other, she saw something different in Jiang Qiming's eyes from the eyes of other men around her.

This is also one of the few times when she looks away when she looks at each other.

"It's over, you can take a good rest these days."

"it is good……"

For some reason, after hearing what Jiang Qiming said, Li Tang suddenly felt depressed.

His words... mean that the Li mansion that has been turned into ruins has also been dealt with, right?
"Xiaotang, during this period of time, why don't you stay in Jingyiju first?" The man hesitated in the air, wanting to hold her hand, but in the end he didn't hold her hand, but put it on the escalator in a slightly rusty manner. "The situation is unstable now. You obviously shouldn't go out at this time."

Noticing the man's hesitation, Li Tang acted as if he hadn't seen it, thinking about what to say.

"Jiang Qiming, are you blaming me?"

This kind of thing... doesn't she know it herself?

There is no need for him to mention it in front of her again.

"Yes." Facing the trembling eyes of the woman above, Jiang Qiming said it according to his initial thoughts, "It's also my fault, knowing that Tong Ye will not let you go easily, but also give you freedom, and allow you Jing Yiju goes out."

If only he had been cruel to her in the first place.

She should be grounded in Jingyiju.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't want to stay here honestly, he can also put her under house arrest, after all, this is his territory, and he has the final say.

He had just answered a phone call and left, and she quickly left Jing Yiju. What was she trying to do?
If it wasn't for him to ask Wu Peng to follow her a little bit, maybe she would be caught by Tong Ye this time when she went to Li's mansion alone. Last time Tong Ye could treat her like that, then this time, if she returned to Tong Ye again The palm of your hand, don't know what's going to happen.

Besides, Tong Ye was her ex.

Even if Li Tang personally said that he wanted Tong Ye to die in front of him, he absolutely did not believe that there was no possibility of them getting back together.

How could he accept this, how could he accept that the person he liked was staying with an ex who still had thoughts about her?
Before Tong Ye died, she should be tied up in Jingyiju.

This is the safest place, she will never be harmed.

"What do you mean?" More or less aware of Jiang Qiming's violent thoughts at the moment, Li Tang asked worriedly.

Of course, she didn't forget that Jing Yiju was Jiang Qiming's territory. If Jiang Qiming wanted to do something... no one would object except her.

So, when she heard Jiang Qiming sigh, she spoke.

"I want you to stay in Jingyiju obediently, and don't go out for the time being."

"It's really dangerous for you outside. For your safety, why don't you stay in Jingyiju?"

What the man said was completely different from the violence shown in his tone, expression and aura just now.

The huge contrast made Li Tang slightly stunned.

Probably, she didn't expect Jiang Qiming to say such a thing at all.

"Xiaotang, I won't restrict your actions. If you go out, I'll let someone protect you. However, you can't always bet your life that he will miss every time."

"Before Tong Ye died, the danger was always there."

"Don't you want him to die? You can use me, Xiaotang, and let me be the gun in your hand to help you kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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