Chapter 153

Li Tang looked into Jiang Qiming's eyes and suddenly laughed.

"I thought you were like him, the kind of person who likes to put people under house arrest."

This sentence is half true and half false, only she knows it.

Jiang Qiming clearly had the idea of ​​locking himself in Jingyiju just now, right?It's just that he finally restrained this thought. Driven by reason... no, or love, he was able to suppress the violence in his heart, and allowed him to say that he would not restrict her after going through this incident. Actions will also protect her words.

This is almost not like him, and I don't know if he realizes it.

Could this be love?

If she was still innocent and unable to see through the essence of love, maybe she would still feel happy or a little bit moved by Jiang Qiming's words just now.

But it's a pity that Jiang Qiming gave her the same feeling as Tong Ye.

Rather, their essence is the same, but Tong Ye showed her more morbid love and dark side, while Jiang Qiming...maybe just hid it well and didn't let her notice it so clearly. .

Does he know what love is? He can just admit and define his feelings for himself as love so casually.

Li Tang's mind suddenly flashed the words Heiseman said when he was still working before going to sleep.

For Jiang Qiming, she is already an important enough existence to let her do the rear work with Heizeman. Even in the eyes of outsiders like Heizeman, she can be regarded as an exception in Jiang Qiming's heart. but……

This is not her ideal love.

This is completely different from the love she wants.

But... just like Heizeman said, it is undeniable that he has a certain status in Jiang Qiming's heart, otherwise he would not be so worried about his safety. These few times, he has indeed stepped forward to protect her.

If it weren't for him, she might have died in Tong Ye's hands that time.

If it weren't for him, she probably would have died before Li's mansion was turned into ruins.

Tong Ye's subordinates didn't want her to live, and if she fell into Tong Ye's hands, she would die. Even if Tong Ye... To put it mildly, still had a normal liking for her, she still couldn't escape the tragic end of her death.

In that case, he was her savior.

What more could she say.

"That way you will feel unhappy." Even though he saw the smile on Li Tang's face, Jiang Qiming still had a slightly indifferent expression, as if there were too many things in the smile that shouldn't be included, but they were all the same. As soon as he saw it.

He is not stupid, of course he can understand other meanings in Li Tang's words.

She seemed to regard herself and Tong Ye as the same kind of people.

If you think about it this way, if Tong Ye hadn't hurt her too much, she might not have chosen to stand by her. What's more, on the day she was taken away by Tong Ye's people, he also confronted her in his office. She did something she shouldn't have done...

Yes, perhaps in some respects, in her heart, she and Tong Ye were indeed rotten.

But thinking about the good, in short, she is still willing to stand by her side now.

This is also what he said to comfort himself.

He could actually sense that every time Li Tang gave in to his words, it was her choice after weighing the pros and cons, not her purely impulsive thoughts.

In fact, sometimes he doesn't like her being too rational at any time, even now, even if she was injected with those psychotropic drugs before, her reason has never completely collapsed.

It is difficult for people who are too calm and rational to open up and accept others.

He even recalled several times in the middle of the night that when Li Tang was in the hospital, although he was very emotional, only at that time did he feel that the image of the woman in front of him had a little bit of reality in his heart.

She is very good at disguising and acting on the spot, and her ability to detect words and emotions is also very strong, and many times even he can't see through.

"You're worried about me too, I know." Li Tang smiled again, this time the smile was obviously much more natural than the smile just now.

I don't know if those drugs have some side effects, but Li Tang still feels that he is not interested.

"Xiaotang, don't be brave."

He suddenly wanted to know, wanted to explore the true thoughts in her heart.

He didn't want to see that official, polite, and even fake smile on her face that made him feel uncomfortable every time.

Wasn't her home burned down by Tong Ye?

She should be crying bitterly in his arms, instead of being so calm like she is now, so calm that he even felt that she had long been torn apart and numb from the pain.

She was trying to be brave, but he felt distressed.

Human emotions need to be vented, how can we always rely on reason to suppress these?
The more I hold back, the more I hold back, the more I tell myself from the bottom of my heart that this is nothing and I can accept it. When the critical point is reached, the collapse becomes more and more out of control.

He didn't want her to be like this.

Sometimes, people's hearts are also very fragile, and they need to be comforted and accompanied, and they need a reason and object to vent.

"I didn't try to be brave."

"It's not good to look like a forced smile."

This time, the man didn't hesitate to hug her, but he still tried his best to be as gentle as possible, as if the woman in his arms was something fragile.

I don't know why, but now he can always feel a little sadness in her body.

Yang Chu's words came to his mind time and time again, every time he thought of it, he would really know that he didn't know her too well.

"Then what else can I do?"

The voice that came out of his arms was not as calm as the first few words, and there was a faint feeling of breaking.

At this time, she didn't know what to do except to be brave and smile.

Really sad, even if you sleep comfortably, you won't feel any better.

Probably...she is now.

The place where Tong Ye burned was her home, and the person Tong Ye killed was the person who grew up with her and worked in Li's mansion almost all her life.

But now, memories, together with family and people, can only be sealed in the charred ruins.

The home is gone, and the old man is still lying in the hospital. She doesn't know when she will wake up. For safety reasons, she can only stay in Jingyiju, waiting for Jiang Qiming to come forward and settle everything.

Yes, she hates this feeling of powerlessness very, very much, but it seems that since Tong Ye returned to China, this feeling has been haunting her head, making her unable to arouse her interest at all, making her feel like There is no way.

She wanted to do something, but there was no way.

She just went out to visit Li's mansion, but Li's mansion was burned to ruins by Tong Ye.

So what else could she do.

Besides listening to Jiang Qiming's words, staying in Jingyiju obediently, waiting for Jiang Qiming's news and his return, what else could she do.

All she can do is to follow Hazelman to do some rear work every time a war starts, as if...

"You can cry, Xiaotang."

The man's hand touched her head lightly and hugged her tightly.

His ability to comfort others, to put it bluntly, may be completely absent, and it was only at this time that he felt speechless and didn't know what to say when the woman he liked was sad.

All he can do is not let go of her and stay by her side when she needs it.

(End of this chapter)

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