Chapter 160
"You're not trustworthy!" Li Tang's voice rose a little the moment his body suddenly vacated.

Perhaps it was due to Jiang Qiming's work. A man has great strength. As long as she is a little serious, she has no room to resist.

However, since Jiang Qiming used those 15 minutes as a cover from the very beginning, Li Tang probably guessed that Jiang Qiming would do something that would turn back.

Men are unbelievable.

Of course she knew.

"I'll take you to sleep." Although the woman in his arms yelled dissatisfied, but fortunately she didn't resist much, probably she was just getting angry with him through drinking, so the man didn't put her down , but carried her up the stairs steadily.

Probably due to the feeling of his body hanging in the air, coupled with the effect of alcohol, Li Tang only felt a sense of weightlessness one after another, and subconsciously hugged Jiang Qiming's neck tightly.

This move made the already close distance between the two even more ambiguous, allowing the man to smell the strong smell of alcohol from the woman more clearly.

He still said that he was not drunk, obviously the smell of alcohol on his body was so heavy.

It's not that he hasn't drunk before, nor has he never experienced the feeling of being drunk, so how could he not be aware of her current state.

I always like to be brave, and insist that I am not drunk when I am drunk, how did I develop this habit...

However, maybe it was because there was really no one by her side when she needed it all the time.

At the corner of the stairs, Jiang Qiming noticed the change of lights outside Jingyiju from the corner of his eye, but he still just carried the woman up the stairs calmly, and opened the door of the master bedroom.

The woman above was already a little dizzy, so Jiang Qiming had no choice but to gently put the drunken woman in his arms on the bed, then tucked in the quilt and covered her tightly.

There is a big temperature difference in this weather, and you will still feel cold in the middle of the night, but you can't let a drunken idiot catch a cold because he didn't cover the quilt properly.

I don't know if she will go crazy when she is drunk, and how the wine is...

However, as long as she stays in Jing Yiju honestly, nothing major will happen.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and the expression on the man's face was not obvious in the darkness.

The room was very quiet, so quiet that he could only hear Li Tang's gradually steady breathing when he was sitting by the bed, other than that, everything was silent.

From a purely subjective point of view, he also really wanted to hug her and fall asleep together, but there seemed to be some situations outside that he had to deal with in person.

Let's wait a while.

There will always be a day when they fall asleep together and watch the sunrise together.

He is not in a hurry, because he believes that this day will definitely come.

Worried that Li Tang would wake up in the middle of the night, the man turned on a small night light in the room so that if she woke up in the middle of the night and wanted to get out of bed to walk, even if she stumbled, she wouldn't be so careless.

Speaking of which, he hasn't used this night light for a long time.

Probably because of work, the time he can sleep on the big bed in Jing Yiju's master bedroom is really too little, and the few times when he was too exhausted, he almost fell asleep when he touched the bed.

Now it can be regarded as coming in handy.

Li Tang's breathing had calmed down, but Jiang Qiming didn't choose to leave immediately.

After leaving tonight, it is estimated that the next meeting will be at least a month away.

He has already made up his mind to resolve all disputes with Tong Ye as quickly as possible. After everything settles down, he will develop a relationship with her, plan for the future, and discuss marriage.

When he thought of this, he felt a slight impulse.

He never had this kind of emotion before, or in other words, impulsiveness is a fatal problem for him in this line of work.

But this time, he can gamble, even if the loss will be much larger than according to his initial plan.

For her, that's okay.

(End of this chapter)

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