Chapter 161 One Hit Kill

After closing the door of the room, the little tenderness on Jiang Qiming's face disappeared in an instant under the bright crystal chandelier in the center of the living room ceiling.

After the door of Jing Yiju was opened, two men who ran over in the rain appeared in front of him.

At this time, Jiang Qiming noticed that it was raining outside. The rain was not particularly heavy, but it was not enough to be completely ignored.

"what's up?"

He had to run to Jingyiju in the middle of the night in the rain, even the miniature lights were turned on.

"Song... Song Ning woke up, clamoring to see you, saying that she couldn't see you tonight, so she took the information she knew and rammed her head to death." After taking two deep breaths and adjusting his breath, the man raised his head. At first, he truthfully reported to Jiang Qiming what happened in the special room just now.

Of course he knew why Jiang Qiming kept Song Ning from killing him, so he hurried over with his good brother and quickly reported Song Ning's exact words to Jiang Qiming.

"Well, I'll go over now." After listening to his subordinate's report, Jiang Qiming frowned, and took up the conversation without hesitating for too long.

Back then, Song Ning was saved to wait for the moment when Song Ning woke up from the coma, thought it over, and was willing to take the initiative to reveal the information.

He hesitated for a moment at that time, he was betting that Song Ning was not a fool, but a person who knew the current affairs, and would choose to defect to him without accident, so that he could easily use human psychology to overcome Song Ning's power. Line of defense, just let this guy choose to instigate rebellion and revenge.

However, he also knew that it was unlikely that Song Ning would turn around and bite Tong Ye, but as long as she was emotional, she was willing to take the initiative to tell the things she knew in large and small, so as to get more information about her. That's enough for Tong Ye's part of the information.

This is the value that he has kept her until now, and she has to provide him if she wants to survive.

The reason why those two men looked at Song Ning was that there were actually multiple ways out. After all, she and Tong Ye had been friends for several years. Even if the person Tong Ye loved was not her at all, at least Song Ning I almost witnessed Tong Ye's whole process from being down to walking, how to say there was a revolutionary friendship, and the result...

Tong Ye was heartless, he really didn't move at all, and had no intention of rescuing Song Ning at all.

Probably when he chose to retreat alone and left Song Ning in the center of the battlefield, he had already made a plan.


He probably thought that Song Ning would die directly under the hail of bullets, and he never thought that he would waver a bit, leaving Song Ning alive instead of letting her die directly on the battlefield.

Before Song Ning spits out what he wants to know, he can guarantee that this woman will not die unexpectedly.

Did she kill herself? Li Tang still has the backbone and blood, but Song Ning...she doesn't have the courage to do this kind of thing. She said this because she figured it out and decided to use information to prove that she wanted to The determination to continue living.

He returned to Jingyiju as soon as he finished dealing with the matters on the battlefield, just waiting for Li Tang to wake up - Hazeman had already reported Li Tang's work performance in the background during the war to him, and also told him about Li Tang's work. Tang is resting—and then calm her down. Maybe if she wants to indulge once, he will accompany her. When the time is late, he will coax her to sleep and continue to do her busy work. By the way, she will wait for Song Ning to wake up after the reaction.

According to the results observed by Heizeman's equipment, Song Ning has a high possibility of waking up tonight.

as predicted.

It's time for him to do something.

If you want to blame, blame her for being Tong Ye's henchman, and blame her for making some small moves in his company. He actually discovered this a long time ago, and he was just waiting for this moment to take it out and kill him with one blow.

Soon, he came to the room where Song Ning was held.

"Jiang Qiming, are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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