Chapter 162 Your Asylum
The closed door was opened, and a woman with messy hair appeared in front of him.

That is, the well-known designer who appeared in his office in a flashy and trendy dress before, has now become someone else's prisoner, and finally got his life back. In the end, the decision of whether he can survive is still in the hands of others.

Seeing that the person in front of him has changed drastically in such a short period of time, from a high-ranking world-renowned designer to such a down-and-out look, Jiang Qiming suddenly felt a violent feeling in his heart.

Yes, he is almost the same kind of person as Tong Ye, and he has a strange feeling of excitement about other people's downfall and collapse.

"I don't have much time for you." Jiang Qiming walked into the room and closed the door, took out the recording pen, and threw it in front of Song Ning who was kneeling on the ground.

Song Ning was still in handcuffs, and it was not so convenient to move. He picked up the recording pen on the ground with a little difficulty, and then looked up at Jiang Qiming from a certain distance. The recording switch of the recorder is turned on.

She is hesitating.

Of course she knew the reason why Jiang Qiming kept her life until now. She wanted her to tell what she knew. After some thinking, she did decide to tell all she knew, but... …

After she did this, she seemed to be useless, so would Jiang Qiming keep her alive?

She needs a guarantee, not just unwritten rules and unsubstantiated words.

"After I tell you all, will you let me go?"

"Of course." Probably because the hesitation and worry in the woman's eyes are too obvious, Jiang Qiming is not in a hurry to use other means to force her. After all, once a person is in a desperate situation, his first thought is to make plans for himself. In other words, Song Ning's psychological defense was completely breached by herself.

He didn't even need to say anything, she already knew the bargaining chip she was going to give this time.

"But even if you keep your promise, after I go out, Tong Ye will definitely think that I betrayed him, and I will still die." Song Ning said slowly word by word, probably due to the wounds on his body that hadn't healed yet. It started to hurt a little, "If you are dead anyway, I will never say a word to you."

"..." Jiang Qiming maintained his usual silence, looking coldly at the woman kneeling on the ground.

She has prepared a lot for her future, and she has a lot of things in mind.

Then let him listen patiently, what she wants from him, so as to keep herself alive.

"I want your protection, Jiang Qiming." Seeing that the man didn't interrupt her, Song Ning chose to continue, "Until Tong Ye dies."

Of course, she knew that the news she knew was of great importance to the battle between Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye, and once Jiang Qiming got hold of this information, the balance of victory would soon fall to him without accident.

Tong Ye's arrogance and defiantness are doomed to failure, it's just a matter of time.

She has to make a living for herself and find a way out for herself after things between their two big shots are over.

The most important thing is that she can't die, and she can't die accidentally before the battle is decided.

So before Tong Ye was completely defeated, she had to make sure that Jiang Qiming would protect her for the information she provided.

It was the only thing she could ask for.

"Jiang Qiming, I want to live, you know it! Otherwise, why would you let me live until now? If you didn't want to know something from me, you would have killed me on the battlefield!"

But the man in front of her kept silent. Perhaps the light in the room was too dim, and she couldn't see the expression on the man's face, so it was difficult for her to grasp his thoughts for a while.

Is he going to refuse?The request she just made is not difficult for him, why should he hesitate?
As long as he agrees, she can turn on the recorder now and tell him everything she knows. For him, this is clearly a profitable deal!

So what is he hesitating about?He must have planned to kill himself from the very beginning... after he spit out all the information he knew!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Song Ning became, and his voice raised several degrees.

(End of this chapter)

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