Chapter 163
For Song Ning, the unspoken information was the only bargaining chip she could use to make a deal with Jiang Qiming.

So she will never hand over her only bargaining chip easily.

"Are you the one who ordered the quack doctor to prescribe Li Tang's medicine?" Jiang Qiming didn't give a direct answer, his voice sounded a little cold, and people couldn't detect his emotions at this time.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Song Ning only felt his back subconsciously shudder, and did not directly answer Jiang Qiming's question.

I guess there is no one who doesn't know that Jiang Qiming likes Li Tang very much, right?If she admits this at this time, Jiang Qiming will definitely be angry. Under the anger, Jiang Qiming can still communicate and negotiate calmly as he is now, although he is powerful and coercive.

She can't gamble with her life, absolutely not.

Even at this juncture, she would rather lie than admit who the mastermind of this matter was.

Yes, of course she hated Li Tang who snatched Tong Ye away from her, of course she wanted her dead, that doctor was always loyal to her, she did what she said, and never complained , Let him do this, she is also relieved.

Everything went smoothly at first, but Li Tang used some tricks to directly send away the doctor he arranged to go there, and with Tong Ye's permission, he changed to another doctor.

Probably because Li Tang had already realized that the doctor had tampered with her every time he gave her a full-body examination, so he did it all of a sudden.

In short, after hearing that Li Tang was rescued by Jiang Qiming, he stayed in the hospital for several days. Apart from some emotional and dizziness and headache symptoms, it seemed that there was nothing serious...

Anyway, Li Tang didn't die, and there was nothing serious about it. Even if Jiang Qiming now had conclusive evidence—in fact, the doctor who personally attacked Li Tang had already died in Jiang Qiming's hands. Who was it? There was no proof that he was instigating him or he simply wanted to do this—it was confirmed that she was the mastermind of this matter. Since Li Tang was fine, Jiang Qiming probably would not give up this opportunity to get information so easily.

"You just need to answer me." The man's voice sounded several degrees colder, and the expression on his face was hidden under the dim light.

"It's not me, how could it be me?" Song Ning quickly defended himself, "I have no grievances with Li Tang, why should I harm her?"

That's right, so to speak, Jiang Qiming will definitely not realize that what he said is purely made up.

From the perspective of an outsider like Jiang Qiming, he probably doesn't know why he put Li Tang to death, right?So as long as she speaks eloquently and justifies a few more words, it is impossible for anything to go wrong.

"I believe it's not you."

She thought that Jiang Qiming would continue to question with that oppressive interrogation method. She even thought about how to continue to make up nonsense later, but she didn't expect Jiang Qiming's interrogation to stop abruptly, and even his tone sounded like It's not as high as it was in the beginning.

"Yeah, how could it be me."

Sure enough, Jiang Qiming was deceiving her. This man probably didn't think that she ordered the doctor to go to this matter from the beginning. He just wanted to see his own reaction, whether he found it interesting or...

Forget it, there's no need to think so much, as long as Jiang Qiming doesn't suspect that he is the one who killed Li Tang, then why bother?The doctor is dead long ago, what can the dead prove?
"Before Tong Ye dies, I will protect you." The man suddenly strode up to her, bent slightly and looked at her and said slowly, "Start recording."

(End of this chapter)

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