Chapter 167

In fact, there are still many doubts in her heart waiting to be answered slowly, but in the current situation, these doubts must be put aside.

And... in this situation, I still don't know what's going on with the old man. He has already received the best treatment in the hospital. It's been so many days. Hearing a sentence that Hazelman occasionally mentioned, he even woke up There is no sign of it.

How bad is the old man?The butler who took care of the old man... the butler was one of the few people in the Li mansion who were still alive, and he was lucky to escape the indiscriminate massacre by Tongye that day.

However, since Jiang Qiming sent additional help to the hospital, the problem shouldn't be too big. If the old man wakes up, it should only be a matter of time, right?
Having said that, it seems that Wu Peng, who gave up all the equipment to her that day, was also arranged by Jiang Qiming to receive the best treatment in the same hospital as the old man. He also heard from Heizeman that Wu Peng's hand was seriously injured. Without timely treatment, the situation is not optimistic, and there is a risk of amputation.

I don't know what will happen in the end...

If he hadn't taken off all the equipment on his body and put it on for her that day, maybe he wouldn't have suffered such a serious injury.

Thinking of this, Li Tang would feel very uncomfortable.

Is Jiang Qiming's liking for her a torture to his brother?
In the past few days, she was often confused by this question, and it was hard to explain it to anyone else. Sometimes the more she thought about it, the more upset she felt.

Maybe she was too free. When Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye were not fighting on the front line, she could only do nothing in such a big villa, and it was normal to think wildly to pass the time.

Jing Yiju's communication was not cut off by Jiang Qiming, but she tried to use the computer at home to search for news and information, but she couldn't find any entries related to the war. Let Hazelman do something to the search engine of the home computer, so that she couldn't get any news about the front line at all.

Forget it, since he didn't want her to know at all, she didn't have to know what happened on the front line.

After all, she doesn't understand many things.

"Are you still angry?"

"What are you angry about?"

"After I put you to sleep on the day of my birthday, I left without saying goodbye, and locked you up in Jing Yiju."

"Special period, I can understand."

It is of course false to say that she was not angry when she realized it at the beginning. How could she not be angry?

She had a bad experience of being imprisoned in that villa by Tong Ye before, but Jiang Qiming did something similar to what Tong Ye did at that time, how could she not be angry?
However, instead of letting her go out, let Tong Ye follow her trail again, and have another incident like the burning of Li's mansion, it is better to put her under house arrest in Jingyiju, and it's better to go straight to the house before the end of the matter. Keep her from leaving Jiang Qiming's stronghold even a step.

What's more, what she's most worried about isn't that lunatic Tong Ye's another arson incident, but that if there is an accident, she may fall into Tong Ye's hands again - the consequences of falling into his hands last time were so disastrous , if there is a second time, I don't know what Tong Ye will do to her.

Taking a step back, she is now...whether she is pregnant or not, and if she is, whether it is Tong Ye's child or not is hard to say...

Until now, she has not come up with a solution...

Jiang Qiming grounded her in Jingyiju. She could understand why Jiang Qiming did this, but...if the war drags on for too long, if she is really pregnant, then as time goes by, her belly will definitely grow bigger Get up, and once there is a war on the front line, Heizeman will appear punctually but miraculously outside Jing Yiju. At that time, when her stomach is gradually bulging, do you want to open the door for Heizeman?

Being grounded means that she cannot leave Jingyiju now, and there is no way to kill her before Heizeman or Jiang Qiming finds out that she is really pregnant...

Every time Li Tang thought of this matter, he was instinctively afraid.

The longer the battle between Jiang Qiming and Tong Ye dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for her, so of course she hoped that the two would decide the outcome as quickly as possible so that she could leave Jingyiju, choose a time, and use Take the pregnancy test stick and test yourself. It is best if you are not pregnant. If you are pregnant, she can sneakily destroy it without anyone noticing...

Fortunately, Jiang Qiming was busy with the battle with Tong Ye, so he didn't have so much extra energy to take care of her affairs, so he wouldn't realize it so quickly.

A deep sense of powerlessness, like a black cloud, has been hanging over her head.

All she can do now is to let Jiang Qiming, who is busy in the frontline war, feel 100% at ease with her, give him spiritual support, and hope that he will win quickly and kill Tong Ye so that she can be free.

Oh yes, let Jiang Qiming love her more and more, and trust her more and more, so that even if he is really pregnant, and the child is Tong Ye, and Jiang Qiming finds out about it, he won't As for being violent enough to kill himself.

If things really turn out to be the worst ending, then all she will face is a catastrophe.

"Xiaotang, why don't you speak?"

(End of this chapter)

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