It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 168 Come and open the door

Chapter 168 Come and open the door

Jiang Qiming's slightly puzzled voice came from the other end of the phone, which pulled Li Tang's thoughts back from the cloud.

I almost forgot, Jiang Qiming is still calling me now...

"I was a little distracted just now, what did you say?" Li Tang didn't explain his absent-mindedness just now, but asked the person on the other side of the phone bluntly.

"I said, I really want to see you today." The person on the other end of the phone didn't seem to intend to pursue Li Tang's loss of focus just now, but repeated what he just said after a chuckle on the other end.

Even though they haven't seen each other for five days, he who has been busy fighting on the front line has been thinking of her terribly, who has never left Jingyiju.

At the beginning, he really held that until this matter was completely resolved, he would not meet with Li Tang for the time being. In addition to avoiding unnecessary risks and troubles that might arise, he also wanted to allow himself to focus on the battlefield wholeheartedly. After all, the faster this matter is resolved, the sooner he and Li Tang can live a normal two-person world life.

So he didn't want to procrastinate, and he didn't want to delay the relatively most important things at this time because of some intolerable emotions, such as missing.

If you can't see each other, replace it with words.

I hope that through the voice of the phone, I can bring his thoughts to her heart.

"If you want to see me sooner, you should finish the matter at hand quickly."

At this moment, Li Tang still couldn't say that she would meet him so sincerely—it seemed that since no one knew when, her ability to play tricks in front of him had been declining.

Perhaps, she also more or less intends to take this relationship a little more seriously, whether it is out of feelings or other reasons related to interests.

Whether a person's words are sincere or not, if the listener has a heart, he can still clearly feel it, let alone a smart person like Jiang Qiming.

"Just pretend you want to see me too." The person on the other side said this cheekily for her, and Li Tang on the phone only heard a chuckle from the other side.

It seems that in the past five days, every time Jiang Qiming talked to her on the phone, his voice was always smiling, as if... a person who has been busy with the war during the day is so busy because of the intricate intelligence and information. people, not like him.

In fact, she also knows that he is very tired every day, from the frequent and large-scale backstage workload during the day, but every time he talks to her, he speaks in a very relaxed tone look...

In fact, she also knew that Jiang Qiming just didn't want her to worry, but she was obviously not stupid.

It's just that now she can't respond to his feelings with sincerity.

After all, she also had such a short time before, she hated him—the time when he was forced on the desk in the conference room, it really made her feel for him drop to the freezing point—and she was also discouraged by him, I have been disappointed, and I have to use time to irrigate it if I want to regain the feeling of heartbeat towards him at the beginning.

Let the time be polished to see if Jiang Qiming's feelings for her are true love, and if he really cares about her so much.

After all, then again, the more he thought about it, the more Li Tang felt that during that time, he still fell in love with Jiang Qiming for a moment.

What's more, she is not such a hard-hearted person, sometimes she will make an exception to soften her heart...

Human nature.

Yes, she's justifying herself.

But how can a person's feeling from the heart be so easily changed.

"I forgot to bring the key, Xiaotang, come and open the door."

Realizing that Li Tang on the other end of the phone might have lost his mind again, and suddenly there was no sound again, Jiang Qiming, who was standing outside Jing Yiju's door, didn't feel in a bad mood, but lowered his voice to the person on the phone. The woman said, her tone still implied a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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