It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 170 It Looks Like You Don't Want To See Me

Chapter 170 It Looks Like You Don't Want To See Me

The moment he saw Jiang Qiming at the gate of Jingyiju, Li Tang didn't know how to describe his feelings.

First of all, she must be surprised... She was really surprised. After all, Jiang Qiming left without saying goodbye at first. She thought that Jiang Qiming had already prepared to devote himself wholeheartedly to the war, and she didn't want to be restrained by emotion, but As a result... this man who kept talking about the special period and wanted her to bear it, now appeared directly in front of her because of missing her.

They hadn't seen each other for five days.

The battle on the front line is fought almost regardless of day and night. It stands to reason that if he had a few free time tonight, he should have gone to have a good sleep and rest, instead of... just showing up in the in front of her.

It wasn't until the moment when she saw Jiang Qiming outside the door that Li Tang realized that from this point on, she could no longer question Jiang Qiming's feelings for her like before, always because Tong Ye—her That rotten ex-she was afraid of the shadow caused by her, doubted the so-called love, and felt that Jiang Qiming, who was by her side, was probably the same kind of person as that lunatic Tong Ye...

He is different.

In the past five days, she may not be able to say that she misses it. Even in her opinion, she is more of a feeling of boredom, a feeling of wanting to talk to someone, wanting to know what happened to Jiang Qiming and the progress of the war. Curiosity to what extent, can't be called missing that particular person...

It's just that thinking about it now, perhaps among so many excuses and excuses, some personal emotions are more or less mixed.

When, she couldn't even figure out her own thoughts.

"Why are you stunned?" The man standing in front of her said in his usual cold voice, pulling her back from her thoughts again.

"No, it's just... I didn't expect you to come back suddenly at night." For a while, Li Tang didn't know what to say to Jiang Qiming.

Even though she has a lot of emotional experience, she doesn't know how to face the current situation.

She could even feel her own clumsiness, which was clearly exposed in front of the man's eyes.

"Don't let me go in and sit?" Jiang Qiming smiled briskly again, and deliberately took two steps in the direction where she was standing, taking the initiative to shorten the distance between the two of them.

Why is she feeling a little silly these days?
Although it is true that the real swords and guns in the war are something she has never been in contact with and experienced before, and it is normal for her to feel at a loss, but...accompanied by Heizeman, she should have a general understanding of some basic situations, She shouldn't be in such an ignorant state before, but why is the woman standing in front of her so stupid now?

Or were you startled by his sudden return?

But why are you frightened by his sudden appearance?
The moment he saw her, he only felt that he was very happy, but he seemed to ignore whether she had the same emotion when she saw him.

Having said that, it is true that he is in unrequited love.

That's why she was a little indifferent and indifferent to his sudden appearance. In fact, she didn't want to see him that much.

This time, it seemed that he was abrupt.

He thought it was a little surprise.

But when I think about it this way, the act of deciding to suddenly go back to Jing Yiju to see her is an act of impulsiveness throughout.


Apparently he was overdoing it.

The woman who was much shorter than him still stood there, as if she didn't want him to enter the villa at all.

It's ridiculous.

Obviously he was the one who took her in and handed her the key of Jing Yiju, but now he suddenly decided to come back, but she blocked the door with her body.

Either way.

It's his business that he likes her, it has nothing to do with her.Whether she responds or not has nothing to do with how she treats him.

It doesn't matter.

"Xiaotang, it seems that you don't want to see me."

The man's voice was almost inevitably stained with a layer of disappointment, although the emotion was not obvious, but he was a person who didn't show much emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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