Chapter 171 Ordinary Tenant

It's so self-defeating, Jiang Qiming.

It was almost inevitable that his heart fell into the bottom of the Himalayas, and his heart suddenly became freezing cold.

It's not her fault, Jiang Qiming thought calmly, after all, she still doesn't like herself.

These five days were a torment for him, and it was only because he fell in love with her inevitably, and fell into the vortex of longing, almost unable to extricate himself. If none of the conditions was fulfilled, how could he feel missing.

What's more, it's just five short days, since she doesn't like him, naturally she won't feel like the days are like years.

From this point of view, it seemed that from the very beginning, he had tacitly regarded her as having a crush on him.

That's why the reality presented in front of him now makes him feel a huge gap.

"Jiang Qiming, I didn't mean that." Li Tang took a deep breath and said when the man turned around and was about to leave.

She just didn't know how to face Jiang Qiming for a while.

Of course she also knew that Jiang Qiming appeared at the door of Jing Yiju full of joy, and of course she also knew that Jiang Qiming chose to appear suddenly because he wanted to surprise her. He responded with equally ardent affection.

It may take some time for her to accept Jiang Qiming and his liking again from the bottom of her heart.

Now... It was a bit too sudden, and she never thought that Jiang Qiming would show up at the door of Jing Yiju at this juncture in the middle of the night.

All of a sudden, she was a little overwhelmed.

But it's not that he doesn't want to see him, he seems to have misunderstood... But how is she going to explain to him, explain to him that she is just a little confused now, a little bit out of her mind?
Can he empathize with how he feels now, and can he believe what he is saying now?
Li Tang knew what he should explain at this moment, at least to let the man know that he did not intend to resist meeting him, but when he spoke, Li Tang suddenly felt that he had been negotiating for the benefit of the contract. Like a spring, but now only speechless.

"It's just... suddenly seeing you, I'm a little overwhelmed." Li Tang pouted, and finally chose to express his thoughts clumsily, "Jingyiju is your home, you can come in if you want. "

She will not stop him.

Even if she really didn't want to see him, then she should be the one to get out of Jing Yiju. How could it be the guest's turn to drive the master away.

"..." Jiang Qiming turned his head slowly and met Li Tang's less determined eyes, and didn't know whether to say what was stuck in his throat.

What do you mean, Jing Yiju is his home, he can come in if he wants?

She thinks it doesn't matter if she gets in or not.

He even handed her the key to Jingyiju, but she is still here to tell him what, Jingyiju is his home, he can come in if he wants, why, she still thinks that she is just an ordinary tenant?
She underestimated herself too much.

Originally, Jiang Qiming was somewhat displeased and sad, but when he turned his head and looked at Li Tang's flawless face under the light, he softened towards her as if he was hopeless.

He was just about to turn around, just about to say a few nice words, and just about to take this opportunity to embrace the woman he had missed for five days, when the cell phone in his pocket rang inappropriately.

Now is a special period, he connected the call almost subconsciously.


"I am coming now."

Li Tang had no idea what the person on the other end of the phone had said to Jiang Qiming. She only knew that Jiang Qiming's face darkened suddenly, and his whole body seemed to exude an unfriendly aura.

"You..." Li Tang suddenly wanted to say something.

Because her intuition told her that if she didn't say anything to Jiang Qiming now, the man would disappear in front of her eyes at the fastest speed in the next second, and she would return to the battlefield where death was almost always dealt with.

"There's another call from over there, I'll go over there." But the man interrupted what she hadn't finished speaking, which was brewing in his heart, and looked at her without any hesitation.

"it is good."

She could only choose to shut up, and swallowed back the words that she was about to say through gritting her teeth just now.

She suddenly felt that she had no reason to delay him from doing his business.

Originally, he appeared in front of her just to squeeze out a little time to surprise her during the special period, and he had to leave immediately because of the battle situation on the front line, which is normal...

What's more, his behavior just now misunderstood him and made him feel lost—how could she not hear such an obvious change in Jiang Qiming's tone—even if he just wanted to keep him, he would only feel that he It's just a joke.

Forget it.

Seeing the back of the man leaving like the wind, Li Tang slowly took a few steps back and closed the door of Jingyiju.

If there is no accident, Hazelman will knock on the door later, and his act of closing the door now seems a bit unnecessary.

However, she couldn't afford the risk of not closing the door, and would rather be overly cautious than be taken advantage of by the slightest potential crisis.

Returning to Jingyiju, where there was only one person again, Li Tang, who was sitting on the sofa waiting for Heizeman to rush over with the equipment, felt a little lonely for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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