Chapter 172 Infrared Devices
Soon, Heizeman appeared outside Jing Yiju's door just like so many times before.

Li Tang opened the door for him as usual, and the two sat down on the sofa almost tacitly, and activated the set of equipment.

"The frequency of battles at night has been much higher recently." Hazelman looked at Li Tang while operating the equipment and said casually, "It's only the fifth day, you should think it's okay, right?"

He was caring about Li Tang's body for Jiang Qiming. After all, their background work is not easy at all, and it is not easy at all. It requires the person in front of the computer to concentrate for a long time and mobilize the hearing and Vision, giving accurate information and data.

It's okay that the time is short, it's not difficult, but a firefight of this scale takes at least three or four hours at a time.Doing this kind of high-intensity work for three or four hours is still a question of whether the eyes can bear it, let alone mental fatigue.

Jiang Qiming felt sorry for her, maybe he didn't want her to know too much relevant information, and he didn't let her interfere in their replay of the day's battle and the extraction of information late at night. These things were done by Jiang Qiming and him, not even Let Li Tang know that this job still exists.

He can fully understand Jiang Qiming's approach. After all, no one wants their women to be tired. In addition, Li Tang has only just started this job, so it is not suitable for high-frequency and high-intensity work from the beginning.

"I'm fine." Li Tang nodded towards him, and then adjusted the position of the earphones on his head, "The people on the front line should be...more tired than me."

Her words obviously meant something, but Hazelman didn't say anything.

"Each has its own difficulties. Organizational actions are like this. Victory or failure cannot be just the efforts of one side."

What she said was actually about Jiang Qiming.

He could still hear a little bit, but now that the work had started, he didn't want to drag the topic too far, so he simply pretended that he didn't understand the real meaning of Li Tang's words.

"This time I'm in charge of monitoring the overall situation in the background, and you can do the actual operation."

"it is good."

"No. [-] punctuation releases the detection drone and turns on the follow mode."

"it is good."

"The broadcasting system of the square, wait a minute, hack it, and link it to our system."

"Jiang Qiming, can the PA system hear you?"

When he called out his name, Li Tang suddenly felt something different in his heart.

On the front foot, he was still standing at the door of Jing Yiju, on the back foot, he was already going to control the overall battle on the front line.


A man's deep voice came from the earphones, and he seemed like a guy who cherished words like gold.

However, she now also knows that when Jiang Qiming was working, he was basically in this state of saying very, very little, and he was able to respond purely because of the need for communication.

It's really... a strange feeling.

"It was detected that some explosives were buried underground in the center of the square. Try to avoid this area for combat."

On the other hand, Hazelman, who was concentrating on his work, of course didn't notice Li Tang's small anomaly, and conscientiously conveyed the results of the background detection to the front line through the communication equipment.

"Tong Ye and the others must have come prepared. It's night, and the electric circuits in the square have all been damaged. They fought in the dark. They wanted to detonate the underground explosives."

While moving the mouse, Hazelman marked the detected explosive points hidden in the ground, and then synchronized it to Jiang Qiming's device.

"But it's not a big problem. It's just a good time to test the actual combat capability of the newly developed infrared equipment in almost complete darkness."

(End of this chapter)

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