Chapter 177
The sudden battle at night finally ended with Jiang Qiming's victory after three hours. The batch of infrared equipment that Hazelman temporarily decided to use also played a good role in the actual test.

After the war ended, Heizeman left Jingyiju after talking to Li Tang as he did several times before.

As usual, Li Tang did not communicate with him too much, but watched in silence as Heizeman put away the equipment, and then walked out of Jingyiju, as if Jingyiju was really just an office.

But in fact... In addition to work, Hazelman should also undertake the secret task of monitoring himself, right?After all, with Jiang Qiming's character, he probably wouldn't feel at ease leaving himself alone in Jing Yiju.

In addition to work, it is estimated that Jiang Qiming and Heizeman have additional tasks in private, such as information exchange or something. After finishing their work, they will transfer the topic to themselves without accident...

These thoughts are all her intuition, and there is no fact or evidence to support them.

After Li Tang simply washed up, he lay down on the big bed in the master bedroom. While staring blankly at the ceiling, his thoughts began to wander freely again.

I don't know what's going on outside... During the few days of being under house arrest in Jingyiju, Li Tang felt a little isolated from the world again.

Any electronic device that Jing Yijuli can use seems to be installed with a firewall on the news and information, with strict and even harsh firewall screening conditions. Jiang Qiming's original intention may be that she just doesn't want her to know about the front line. war, but this also seems to have restricted her access to other news that is not related to the frontline war in a disguised form.

Speaking of it, she seems to have not had contact with Yang Chu and the others for a while.

I don't know, how are they doing now?But... Having said that, they should be living as before, after all, she is the only one involved in such a large-scale war, not them.

When the war is over, she must invite her friends to have a good gathering, which can be regarded as a celebration, and she can live a life without the restrictions and harassment of Tong Ye.

While her thoughts were wandering, the mobile phone beside the bed suddenly rang, interrupting her relaxation.

Who else could call her at this point, except him.

"I just finished my work, are you asleep?"

"I just lay down, and someone called me."

Li Tang smiled at the white ceiling, with the glimmer of light from the mobile phone reflected on his face, feeling a little unreal.

Receiving a call from Jiang Qiming before going to bed seems to be a daily routine these days.

I don't know if she will get used to this feeling of being accompanied by Su Suiannian now or in the future.

"The detonation work of the square has been completed, and there are no casualties."

"It's amazing, but the workload should be heavy, right? After all, it's very late now."

"Well, the aftermath can sometimes be more troublesome than simply exchanging fire."

"Then it's hard work for you."

"I want to be with you sooner, there is nothing hard or hard."

During this period of time, Jiang Qiming would always say similar things, and he said a lot, which made Li Tang subtly feel that he really thought so.

However, now she still doesn't know how to respond to him.

So every time like this, whenever Jiang Qiming said such things, she would keep silent, and the people on the other side seemed to have gotten used to her reactions, and they would not pursue it, nor would they ask her more. idea.

"It's almost over, Xiaotang, just wait a little longer."

And he would speak words to comfort her after the two were silent for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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