It turns out that I am the villain heroine!

Chapter 178 It's Cheaper For Her

Chapter 178 It's Cheaper For Her
"By the way, Jiang Qiming, I want to say something."

To comfort her, she had heard too much from Jiang Qiming in the past few days, and she hardly responded, changing the subject simply and bluntly.

She suddenly remembered that there was one thing she hadn't done, and this was something she had to do.

"You said."

The voice on the other end of the phone was low, but not serious.

"Song Ning should still be under your command, right? I want to see her." After receiving Jiang Qiming's response, Li Tang told the opposite party his thoughts over the phone, "I have a question I want to ask her. The answer is very important to me, and only she can answer it."

Objectively speaking, Li Tang didn't think that Jiang Qiming would agree to her request. After all, she was under house arrest in Jingyiju. If she left Jingyiju, no one could completely guarantee her safety.

She didn't intend to take this risk, but she hoped that Jiang Qiming could ask someone to bring Song Ning to Jingyiju.

In the end, Song Ning was just a woman like herself who had never been on a battlefield, not to mention Jiang Qiming's people were protecting her, so it would be a good idea for her to meet Song Ning.

"What do you want to know?" Jiang Qiming didn't give her a direct answer, but asked her from a different point of entry.

Song Ning had already been arranged by him to go to a very remote place. Li Tang would have to spend a lot of time and energy to see Song Ning at this time, and he felt it was completely unnecessary.

If you want to bring Song Ning to Jingyiju, it will take manpower, and there is no guarantee that there will be no risks on the way to bring Song Ning. No matter from any point of view, this kind of thing is meaningless, even somewhat Out of nowhere.

But if Li Tang just wanted an answer, an explanation, from Song Ning, then she could tell him her questions, and if nothing else happened, he could also answer them.

If even he can't solve her problem, if she persists, he will still send someone to bring Song Ning to Jing Yiju.

"I wonder if she was the one who ordered that doctor to give me the injection."

Contrary to his expectations, he originally thought that Li Tang would not tell him his question directly, but he did not expect Li Tang to ask the question without hesitation.

"is her."

There's no need to hide this matter from her anymore, since she clearly said what she wants to know, then he will tell her the answer.

"Looks like I guessed right."

But I didn't want to, Li Tang on the other side of the phone was not surprised at all after hearing what he said.

"You have long suspected that it was her who did it?"

"Only she has the motive to kill me." Li Tang turned over on the bed while holding the mobile phone while talking, "She obviously likes Tong Ye, but she has never realized it, or she doesn't want to admit it This, and at that time..."

"Tong Ye mobilized a lot of doctors for me, which seems to be the reason why she didn't receive timely treatment when she became ill, and her condition worsened as a result."

Because of this, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that only Song Ning would treat her like this.

The person who really wanted her dead was Song Ning, not Tong Ye, and the doctor who injected her with the drug himself... All along, he should have listened to Song Ning's order before doing this to himself.

It was also Tong Ye's imprisonment and violation of her that made Tong Ye's subordinates think that she was a bully who dared to do such a thing even though she was just a doctor.

No, having said that, there should be reasons why Song Ning has been by Tong Ye's side for so many years and has a pivotal position there.

"How are you going to take revenge on her?"

Jiang Qiming on the other end of the phone just asked this question, and didn't ask Li Tang, Song Ning, Tong Ye, and Tong Ye's subordinates in that villa in detail, what happened to those doctors.

He just felt that this would touch her uncomfortable memories, not that he didn't want to know what unspeakable things she experienced there.

"Death is too cheap for her, isn't it?"

On the other side, Jiang Qiming originally thought that he would hear Li Tang's extremely angry words, and he wanted Song Ning to die with hatred no matter what—just like when she was sent to the hospital and just woke up What he said was the same as what she wanted Tong Ye to die - but he didn't expect that he could even hear Li Tang's laughter on the phone.

She seems to have really changed.

Or in other words, the drugs that were injected into her body and hurt her nerves have almost been metabolized now?
If you want him to say it, he certainly hopes it is the latter.

(End of this chapter)

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